

Validation of invalid format test on Rare tipping. ✅ ⛔🧪
Dev Test...
Anyone around who wouldn't mind casting a SR artwork frame in this channel? Something like: https://superrare.com/artwork/eth/0x040b9456938c579b2762702ab1dcb3a95d4d5b77/6
Alpha, beta, rc, final tester! 👀

Lets test to make the best version! 💎
Some like this cast, please
Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork chop ham hock filet mignon, cupim beef tri-tip beef ribs capicola. Prosciutto buffalo drumstick salami. Spare ribs cow tri-tip, jerky kevin ham hock turkey sausage. Pork strip steak cow sausage corned beef. Ball tip pastrami tenderloin, sausage shank pig kevin. Corned beef short ribs prosciutto doner, porchetta venison ham hock spare ribs tail capicola ham strip steak shoulder.

Drumstick pork chop t-bone, corned beef pastrami cow ham hock turkey ribeye porchetta pork belly ground round. Andouille tenderloin bacon ham hock meatball prosciutto. Tri-tip beef pork chop, kielbasa cow tenderloin sirloin venison. Andouille leberkas corned beef beef ribs shankle tenderloin. Bacon shoulder jowl ham shank short ribs. Jowl beef meatloaf porchetta shankle picanha fatback andouille tenderloin short loin kevin frankfurter chuck cow pork chop.
Look it this dude here... he be testin