

Come warm yourself by the dumpster fire

a pretty scathing expose of state ideological capture. note that one the absent limiting principles is the free flow of dissent, another being the machiavellianist technique of denoting an unpopular apparatus in the populist rhetoric it counteracts, discounting the spirit of the popular norm either way.
"I was born in the middle class" has to be one of the worst political own-goals.

suppose one takes an industrial economy, transitions it to a service-based economy. naturally, some things should become process-oriented, since one is essentially saying "if one can think & consume time for a living, they can multitask their adhoc measurement of precursors of economic growth, even secure it by applying ownership & processional power to places & objects"

the contemporary "middle class" has 20-30% churn, with the downside unambiguously outnumbering the upside. the chance of anyone who was "born in the middle class" not knowing anyone within 1-3 degrees of association who's "dropped out" is notably low, and affordability is intimate to everyone.

rhetorically, it invokes negative attention. if a politician accurately said "you all were born in the middle class", some significant plurality of the audience would be appending "but me and mine aren't living in it even as we serve it".

idk, time will tell.
Kamala Harris's campaign says she will ensure crypto investors "benefit from a regulatory framework so that Black men and others…in this market are protected."

Election in 🇺🇸USA is nothing but a circus 🎪 while the politicians are treated like celebrities 🤷🏻
with respect to low-propensity voters: there's no question that both geography (i.e. one-party states) & demography (i.e. at-will working class) play their part.

that impressive range between 70-80 starts with, believe it or not, white male suffrage. the following downtrend at the turn of the 20th century might be erosion of patronage & coerced ballots. its general recovery since then is obviously due to the 19th amendment (women's suffrage).

note that even the windup to WWII, and all of the Cold War, has never been enough to saturate this democratic apparatus.

intuitively, I think we're about to see 60+ turnout range, and it'll be a rapid partisan oscillation (growing p(one-term kleptocracy)), and all of this will be the irrational puzzle of the formerly-low-propensity populist that exists in the 21st century. there will be a frantic enumeration of demography & geography, even as these fade against easier mass voting.
Some of the conservative ads/content from X in the last few days…

I take screenshots whenever I see any from either party, but Republicans must be spending a fortune on X.
Polymarket was favoring Trump up to election day in 2020, while polls favored Biden (I remember cus I made $ on it).

It will probably be more accurate now that the liquidity is larger, but there is a strong bias toward republicans in crypto prediction markets.
Looking at Polymarket and other polls is giving in to the popularity contest that elections have become.

Instead there should be data re the policies that both sides have supported in the past and support now and the impact that said policies could have to the economy at large and to the lives of individual citizens and businesses today and projected into the future.

Show different scenarios and probabilities based on what each candidate and their parties would do based on past performance and what they've said.

Then people can get a real sense of what the impact could be on each side.

Of course, none of this matters because the majority of people just want a popularity contest so that's what we get.
Regular reminder to anyone convinced Trump is the last hope to save the constitution: he called for terminating it.
Their push to censor the web isn't a good look.

We need to protect what has made the web flourish. And we also need to decentralize the control tech giants like Meta and Google have on the web.

Google used to be a stronger ally of the decentralized web since its interests were aligned but not sure anymore.
“More than six-in-ten Americans (63%) would instead prefer to see the winner of the presidential election be the person who wins the most votes nationally.”
Honestly can these two be the ticket?

Respectful disagreement from people who seem to genuinely care
Holy shit a civil debate
the top priority, imho, should be achieving enough surplus & stockpile to deter zero-sum recessionary behavior.

one of my many concerns about the current rhetoric (and for clarification, this is endemic throughout the firms of the fourth estate, regardless of the particular "platform").
No pets were harmed in the making of this video.
kamala doesn’t have a “new accent”

the woman was born in Oakland and went to Howard University - BLACK environments

it’s called code switching

black / mixed race people already know this

stop policing cultures that are not your own

worry about what that orange man is doing
America NEEDS democracy sausages

Is this debate actually…..
