Andy W

@aweissman #4413

NYC @usv aweissman.com aweissman.xyz
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Intensity as Violist

Poetry by Michelle Burke
"Merely imitating your heroes is not flattering them. Transforming their work into something of your own is how you flatter them. Adding something to the world that only you can add"

- Austin Kleon

feels like this applies to many things
"An artist is an anti-social creature in a room doing something by themself"

- Richard Prince
i actually like judging a book, movie, record by its cover

the cover can tell you a story in and of itself, draw you in to want to learn more

it's like a cold open to an artist's vision - im all for more of that

what are some elite album covers, one's that tell you a story and would make you give a listen knowing nothing else

this one, for one
This essay is an example of original thinking and very very good writing

It challenges the orthodoxy around consumer subscriptions by defining something called the "trust tax" and the "economic value of trust"


also really great sean baker jams
"I called it re-photography. I didn't know what I was doing"

wonderful, wonderful conversation about art, how it happens, why it happens and how someone jumps into the unknown, the adjacent possible, assuming there is no way it could work
"It was electrifying to think about how much more music there was in the world left to hear"

Hua Hsu - Stay True
Recommended, highly

Harry Law with a very different take that most of what I am seeing

fwiw I have always has a distaste for the word "slop" as I guess I find it elitist, judgmental and ahistorical

This essay put into words why I thought that, better than I could have

"You know how to talk wisely, my friend.

Be aware of too much wisdom!"

- Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha
then that thing happens where you serendipitously hear a lyric and fall in love with music all over again

"I don't think that
I'm as smart as
You think I am"

wonderful, gorgeous portrayal full of humanity and creative vision

loved it
"Manhattan's architecture is a paradigm for the exploitation of congestion"

- Rem Koolhaas
"No matter how corny a song can be, no matter how cringe worthy, it could very well be someone’s personal anthem"
Over the past week or so I realized I have been thinking about LLMs incorrectly. I had considered them to be their own "things" that will let us do "stuff"

Instead, LLMs are components of  "things" that will "collectively" let us reimagine e stuff

My colleague @mandel wrote about this last November (https://matthewmandel.com/2024/11/20/collaborative-intelligence/ )but I didn't fully grok it until the other day (and then it lit my chaotic curiosity on fire)
Thought, from Brian Greene, that I have always found compelling: maybe we are alone, and that is a feature, not a bug
poignant, intense, beautiful

so much acting done with so few words

this one lingers long after the credits

song choice
song performance

i cant wax poetic enough about this performance - a nod to the heads - which brings me almost to tears in its intensity, poignancy

that you can tell - and see! - how nervous timmy is whilst playing, only makes it more affecting

have watched dozens of time

i went to temple this morning (iykyk)