Ben 🟪

@benersing #1285

Principal at Cobalt Ventures. Write @ TheItinerant.io ; BenErsing.com Host: /venturecapital /finance /adventures
114528 Follower 1045 Following
This IMF report on global public debt is a crypto rallying cry.

I don’t see how this debt trajectory changes.

Mainstream crypto adoption is inevitable.

I'm currently frustrated with the global monetary system.

If you want to convert someone to crypto, just have them try to pay someone internationally, from the United States. Then do it via Coinbase.

Let them see the difference.

It's a no-brainer.
Anyone want to invest in @ted ?

She’s raising a boat load of capital. ;)
Congrats! 🔥

Exciting to see another “Farcaster company” raise from top-notch VCs
Which has a longer lifespan, a viral video or a meme coin?
Has this been your experience?

It’s been mine.
Hot Take:

Thinking of the different web3 social ecosystems as competitors today, is often the wrong mental model.

It’s like comparing YouTube and Twitter in 2007.

Yes, they’re both “social media”, but they were solving different pain points and building entirely different experiences.

Today both are winners and continuing to meet very different user needs.
I’ve been sitting on the real estate sidelines for 3 years now. In fact, I recently divested a large portion of my portfolio.

Is anyone still active? If so how are you approaching underwriting deals?
I need your help.

If I were to sit down tomorrow with a group of local business leaders in Kansas City to extol the virtues of web3, what’s the product stack that they could begin implementing tomorrow?

How would each be 10x better than their current solution?

If I can build confidence in an answer, then I’ll make it happen.

Today, the answer isn’t clear.

Cc @samantha @percs
PSA: if I don’t know you and you want to be a member of a channel I help mod, please share an answer to the below when you DC.

Let’s hold ourselves to a high standard and PoW; this isn’t CT.

If you represent a venture capital fund and want an efficient way to stay on top of who the most promising startups are across the Farcaster ecosystem, DC me.
If I organize a Farcaster Friday in Kansas City, who would come?

Recasts for visibility outside the channel would be appreciated.
👇check it out.
It’s long fascinated and perplexed me that for how important we say team is in investment outcomes, it’s the one part of DD 100% based on a “gut feeling” and other non-quantitative measure.

Seems like a big miss / a huge opportunity.
Early in my career, the company I was with downsized and asked the ~30 of us to decide who stayed or left.

The reasoning was that those ready to leave could raise their hand and help their friends stay.

You're a founder—what do you think of this approach?
Remember to occasionally stop and smell the roses on your way up Mt Everest.

For me, that’s making time every night for dinner and bedtime with my kids.

Has anyone experimented with creating a personal AI avatar?

For example, from https://app.heygen.com/ ?

I'm beginning to experiment. Curious to get others' take and any tips.
Does hardware require a different financing vehicle than VC?