

Finance in all its forms 🌷

This IMF report on global public debt is a crypto rallying cry.

I don’t see how this debt trajectory changes.

Mainstream crypto adoption is inevitable.
I'm currently frustrated with the global monetary system.

If you want to convert someone to crypto, just have them try to pay someone internationally, from the United States. Then do it via Coinbase.

Let them see the difference.

It's a no-brainer.
PSA: if I don’t know you and you want to be a member of a channel I help mod, please share an answer to the below when you DC.

Let’s hold ourselves to a high standard and PoW; this isn’t CT.

reality is adding crypto to a traditional portfolio has led to materially higher returns, and it’s done so on a risk adjusted basis

hard to fathom any “professional” taking an active stance against it at this point tbh
Global M2 is already going up….
All exits of VC funded startup remain depressed!
Even if there is a recession, it seems like a good time to get into crypto/bitcoin given that global M2 is going up and rates started to go down. We will see how it turns out but will keep watching!
Revenue growth of OpenAI since the release of ChatGPT is insane!
Gold is up 30% on the year to $2662. This is gold's best YTD performance this century!
India’s gold imports rose to $10.06 billion in August, a new all-time high.

This is the equivalent of 131 tonnes of gold, the 6th-highest monthly volume on record! 📈📈📈
we’re comin for it all 😏
Gold is finally increasing in price as predicted
The market is now pricing in a 50% chance of a US recession by June 2025.

The percentage has more than doubled over the last month and is up from just 10% in July
Seems like the economy and the stock market might see a correction after elections. The storm is brewing. The economy is slowing down and even with rate cuts, it takes time for it to have an effect on the economy.

These cuts seem like a short boost into the stock market and may affect elections.

We will keep seeing companies missing earnings and maybe something breaks…. We will keep watching!
Seems like Friedberg was right on point on this one
It is incredible the difference of average manufacturing wages between China and India
Since 2023, net startup headcount has only grown by 7,000
The most absurd number in the government reported CPI?

According to the US Government, the cost of health insurance has declined 31% over the last 2 years and 10% over the last 5 years.

When in reality, the average US family health insurance premium:
1999: $6k
2002: $8k
2005: $11k
2008: $13k
2011: $15k
2014: $17k
2017: $19k
2020: $21k
2023: $24k
Supercore CPI rises 0.33%, biggest monthly increase since April. That caused the market to reduce the probability of 50bps rate cut odds down to 20%
Peter Schiff has some kooky views on crypto. Not surprising since it's hard to get someone to understand something if his salary depends on him not understanding it

But his takes on the fiscal situation are worth considering. Here's what he thinks about abolishing the Federal Reserve
“America is going bankrupt extremely quickly” - Elon Musk