Niels Broszat
@broszat #304275
Artist: physical and #NFTs. Always chasing the strange and unexpected. Current obsession: ancient Silk Road. #tez #eth
80 Follower 148 Following
Destroy it. Peel it away. Somewhere, the core is hidden. I work in reverse. I see that core, add something, want to see it again. Add more, can I still see it? No? Then I take a layer off. Fight with it until it clicks.
Old maps have a timeless allure. In my book, I expand upon the legendary Tabula Rogeriana by Al-Idrisi (1154), adding new land and water.
Look closely: what hidden paths or uncharted territories do you see? Where would you set sail?
Look closely: what hidden paths or uncharted territories do you see? Where would you set sail?
I want this app to work so bad, but I don’t “feel” it yet. 🫤
An art institution doesn’t define an artist; the quality of the art does. My journey has always been about exploration, seeking new ways for my art to be experienced while avoiding the familiar traps of traditional success. Not out of disdain, but to contribute to something I believe is crucial: creating a more dynamic structure where art truly thrives. Call it naïve, but without dreams, vision, and art, there’s nothing to discuss.
I don’t want to make good art I want to go beyond into a mystical place of pure artistry.
Icon #053
2024 | 42 x 33 cm.
Egg tempera and oil paint on panel
Icon #053
2024 | 42 x 33 cm.
Egg tempera and oil paint on panel
Take your fiat money and buy some crypto to buy NFTs. It’s that simple.
An architect friend of mine said that synthwave could hav a massive influence on design/art/fashion. I never heard of that term before. When I looked it up I laughed. Childhood memories and crypto vibes galore. But when I paired it with furniture it became so interesting 2 me
Hic et nunc is still alive. The spirit is still there. Moving forward, minted on teia get it on objkt:
I’m so occupied lately. Good stuff though. Just checking in if everybody is still weird and naughty.
Synthwave meets furniture meets trade route. I’ll take you places.
So Hic et nuncers and tezos people, join me on the caracan🐪 and collect this strange tale.
The glory of simony
So Hic et nuncers and tezos people, join me on the caracan🐪 and collect this strange tale.
The glory of simony
Synthwave meets furniture meets trade route. I’ll take you places.
The glory of simony
We celebrate those who are a little off...
15 tez
We celebrate those who are a little off...
15 tez
If I understand correctly, I made the last sale on Async with a blueprint. Here is my first Async blueprint project and it has a story. P.S. also part of the permanent collection of moca and Museum Krona:
Async Blueprint with a stunning tale. Gosh I loved making this blueprint.
I am putting these for sale one by one. Very carefully. You read it first.
I am putting these for sale one by one. Very carefully. You read it first.
Idea 👉 action 👉 result 👉 Idea 👉 action 👉 result 👉 Idea 👉 action 👉 result 👉 Idea 👉 action 👉 result 👉 etc.
When the result is good we get motivated, when it’s bad we hesitate. Keep believing in a ascending spiral. Adjust if needed.
When the result is good we get motivated, when it’s bad we hesitate. Keep believing in a ascending spiral. Adjust if needed.
HEFT VOL 5 is out! A little booklet with - in this volume - NFTs. Fun stuff, order here: nielsbroszat.com/heft
HEFT VOL 5 is out! A little booklet with - in this volume - NFTs. Fun stuff, order here: nielsbroszat.com/heft
Of all the traveling icons I made, only this one is still available on primary sales. I think it is one of my best ones. What do you think?
Act stupid, be smart.
Go fast and slow.
Combine coincidence with well-informed knowledge.
Bring together things that have nothing to do with each other and present it as if it were normal.
Those who look see more. Look hard!
Go fast and slow.
Combine coincidence with well-informed knowledge.
Bring together things that have nothing to do with each other and present it as if it were normal.
Those who look see more. Look hard!
Interesting Podcast about Sam Bankman Fried and Effective Altruism with Sam Harris and William MacAskill.
Take a good look at this one. 2 available on the primary. Tezos is alive.

My @zero________one collection can now be seen on my website: https://www.nielsbroszat.com/nft-collection-4
My website is a jungle. You'll find some fun images, NFTs I collected, my own art, exhibition shows, a store, a forum and much more. But navigating the place is an adventure. Best experience is on a desktop.
There is a pagoda, naked Angel viewed from below, Buddhist bead chain around the ankles, a harlequin hat, many details and a lot of emptiness. A must have if you understand art.

Great art is scary at first glance because you have no points of reference. That's why the most celebrated artists are often not the ones who create the best art. But to be honest, they started that way and were lucky that it got picked up.
When the masses come, what role will art play and how will they/we use it? Will there be social media like Instagram where we look at each others wallets, will we have NFT screens in our houses? Tell me what you think.