
@conway #974

Turning life into a game at Sidequest.xyz, Crypto x AI, @seedclub 07
483 Follower 277 Following
something I struggle with about marketing to crypto natives as a GTM is that $5 to us is nothing but could be a lot for many outside of the space completely unfamiliar with airdrops
We're looking for someone to help with some novel social token distribution mechanics we're working on with @sidequest

Who's the GOAT?
Can't say enough good things about the @seedclub experience - they've been in the trenches, relentlessly positive, and quick with advice

I don't know when the next cohort opens but highly recommend joining
app idea: do 50 push ups before you can buy another shitcoin
questions that reveal one area crypto overlaps with AI in a non-bullshit way:

where does most training data come from?

what payment methods do people in those places prefer?

how would you design a system for paying both humans and agents / robots globally?
your portfolio is perfect babe, it’s the green ones that scare me
who wants to help make some propaganda for Sidequest?
fair launch, free range, farm to phone tokens
throwback to when one of the first @sidequest players got a little out of hand
.@joshcrnls is closing in on my @sidequest score
if you’re a founder the best thing you can do is never check charts