Eric Platon

@ic #10143

Scientist and engineer interested in Life. Work on (GOF)AI, Agriculture, Biology, Energy, Robotics, Space---all topics climate-aware.
867 Follower 56 Following
So the Internet Archive lost in appeal against Hachette, Penguin, HarperCollins, and Wiley. Judgment looks fair by the current laws, but here the law seems to cause harm.

Recurring thought.

Concerned by the growing opinion that crypto is the only thing leading to decentralisation.

Please read as a whole: Crypto is a tech partial and biased solution. Partial as it relies on and needs more energy which we know is a problem (despite PoS and more renewables). Biased because it leads many to learn anything is a transaction—imagine taking care of your child or parent.

Long live to crypto, situated in its real reality.
The Twitter owner: “President Trump must win to preserve the constitution. He must win to preserve democracy in America. This is a must-win situation. Get everyone you know, drag them to register to vote. If they don’t, this will be the last election. That is my prediction.”

The last election.

Starting to think that one of the measures of “real” advancement of a culture/nation/politics must be whether it lets children be children.

Odd short claim (parents know children are egocentric tyrans at first). The ramifications are what matters. Just an example: what fraction can think decentralised if childhood has been about patriarchy or (practiced) meritocracy?
The French government now has a “Department of Decentralisation”.

Pretty sure it is not what you think it is.
Carlos just published summaries of his latest book as generated YouTube videos. The result is interesting, and revealing of where we stand today. Uncanny valley, perhaps most notably in the unforgiving tempo.

Would anyone know of datasets involving energy and microbes?

Pretty broad interest. Concretely exploring how microbes help (and they freaking-ly do more than just help—they open new doors) energy production.
Three times opening this cast, three times the app crashes. Is this die to the cast awesomeness, or some Lovecraftian mystery?

Disappointed in The Guardian title “Vance-Walz debate: no clear winner after candidates keep it civil”.

Like regret there is no juicy dirt to report. Lost interest in reading whether they might have discussed anything, really.
Sharing data is an innovation enabler.

Through the Climate Change AI network.

Not sure which channel to ask:

Any reference book on going deep I to Bayesian Optimisation?

Beyond naive, into exotic, with solid detail or more.
Going through degrees of separation on this one:

>>> bool(1) + bool(1)
Does anyone remember what the "main" branch is called on CVS ?

Just came across a project on SVN, and working on *trunk*. I cannot explain why trying to remember how it is with CVS.
Do we know what impact Moon2 will have on us?

Floods? Droughts? GPS disruptions? Nothing?
Merry Christmas.

The horror movie music to scare children from Krampus is particularly psycho political move, while ignoring geopolitics (why do they seem so unhindered?)

Question to Claude3.5: "Please explain quantum physics in the style of Dr. Seuss in Fox in Socks."

Response down here.
Long time no see. Especially from a public research centre. Did not miss you.
What is your greatest lesson in robot making?

If you intend to share your experience, please consider selecting before going down the thread (if any :)), to reduce bias.
Would you share experience in entering a new country with your business? Lessons learned? Top-of-line checklist?
An article used a strange word, and I thought I could learn something exotic, perhaps North American Indian term by the look at it.

But no. It was an acronym.

The end of the world as we know it, TEOTWAWKI, even has an entry in dictionaries. Preparing for it.
Is Soneium a thing or just short half-life information?


Large group with blockbuster-only mindset and other islanders teaming up for an L2 blockchain. The framing on gaming, finance and entertainment looks useful to Sony---mostly Sony---and I'd be glad more ELI5 analysis.
This is a 3-month old progress video of the Neom projects "The Line".

Massive /engineering, yet still unclear what for? What is the goal of skiing among the dunes?
