
@micsolana #318610

billionaire media tycoon and former mayor of san francisco. disinformation researcher. cmo @foundersfund. editor-in-chief @piratewires. 🏴‍☠️
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how I read the news every morning
spacex was nationalized. it was called the nasa shuttle program and obama shut it down because the government was incapable of launching economically. sad, communists were always evil, but they used to be smart.
yes, many critical industries run on cheap illegal labor. yes, that massively distorts the labor market to the point most americans can no longer afford to take the jobs. the times is so close to understanding this issue. come on, guys, keep going, you're almost there.
what california bureaucrats are doing to elon musk should be illegal, and if we don’t fight to make it so we’re fucked. my take in this morning’s PirateWires.twitter daily 👇
just discovered the “cart narc,” a man who confronts people in the parking lot who decline to take their carts back to the cart corral. we’re gonna make it.
at this point they’re really just writing fan fiction
we've still not dealt with this tbh
in a sense, our government can control the weather. but that's a good thing, actually. it's time for geoengineering in this morning's PirateWires.twitter daily 👇
a good note on the 60 minutes "scandal." this was by far the best job any journalist has done with kamala — the only even moderately difficult questions she faced. the edit made her look better, but mostly just for clarity, and producers released the raw footage themselves.
insane the way the state was hit with tornadoes before the hurricane arrived, as if milton sent his heralds out before him
is internet accelerating the collapse or revealing the collapse
they think I don't know about cloud seeding

lmao, peasants
a few thoughts on the hurricane in this morning's PirateWires.twitter daily 👇
for context, katrina was a category 3 when it hit new orleans
literally nobody is saying this
tag yourself i’m billionaire extremism
folks if you want to do ad hominem we can do ad hominem but please just keep in mind that i’m from jersey
because he has no good argument in favor of open borders, noah has predictably retreated to calling me racist. but he is now holding court on the topic of my own race, and how it colors my opinions. classic projection. this is the face of racial obsession. an actual racist.
if you’re running a tech company with an unhinged staff you’ve considered giving the coinbase treatment, you better do it fast. the labor board is not going to rest until your most deranged employees are your boss.
rereading my old tweets, loving them
trump’s haters are so much more obsessed with him than even his most die-hard fans, look at that smile my god
basically our major institutions marginalized talented men, talented men built new, even more successful institutions, and the government is now playing catch up, trying to dismantle the new founts of power