@monimel #866446
A mix media artist, traditional art painter. Figurative, surrealism & expressionist with creative medium & digital touch
8 Follower 16 Following
My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @adacrow, @papabearded, @ashira, @tibalism, @monimel, @wickana, and others

Moon walk at Rodeo
My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @annadart, @hiroverse @studiostrauss, @aniltprabhakar, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @annadart, @mbranson, @bogatyrevaspace, @igortsvetkov, @lazutina, @aniltprabhakar, and others

Gm 🩷 let's connect together!
Come into my realm on @rodeodotclub
Come into my realm on @rodeodotclub
My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @bearbigs, @grims, @santiagoney, @whalesink, @joain, @r0yart, @studiostrauss, @resatio, and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @lazutina, @adacrow, @tibalism, @francienkrieg, @joain, @empresstrash, @khiroverse and others

My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @adacrow, @whalesink, @aniltprabhakar, @nutscity13, @lazutina, @alexparnassus, and others

Let's get connected in @remx
Less than 16 hours to collect Mp4 piece (Song in Japan about Nature Beauty)
Less than 16 hours to collect Mp4 piece (Song in Japan about Nature Beauty)
Today is my first I join Farcast.
Happy cattle holiday
The art is dropped on my FND.
Happy cattle holiday
The art is dropped on my FND.