Ashira πŸŽ©πŸ«‚πŸ–πŸ”πŸ’ƒπŸΌ

@ashira #6112

art that embodies endless curiosity β€’ forever /artmaxi β€’ /purplepilled soon β€’ more at: ashira.xyz β€’ β€œstudying” is my life practice, since looong before crypto
4888 Follower 1422 Following
I’m confused… what are we supposed to do w the creator tokens we bought? Sell and move on, or is there any reason left to hold them?
Just heard @nonlinear.eth talking about @hypersub on a Liquid Culture podcast from a few days ago.

Highly recommend it.

Very much looking forward to relaunching my Hypersub from a new & non-compromised wallet soon.

Will be gifting time to those who’ve supported me since my wallets were all compromised bc that hit me pretty hard & really burned me out & I haven’t been anywhere near as active & haven’t yet minted on my own contracts since that happened πŸ’”
The same boiling water that softens the potatoes hardens the egg.

The same sun that melts the wax, hardens the clay.
If I wrote about everything it might all make more sense but the true nature of that magic moment is that it dissolves into each molecule of every plane it touches so it’s always just there right?: https://drakula.app/post/c6c2a5e9-dbfe-4407-9fcf-91f60bc851ac?invite=9jBfLF
My kiddo wanted β€œrifle chips for brexfixt” this morning..

I had to tell him they don’t allow regular citizens to have guns in England πŸ˜‘
Knowing yourself the way you do, what something that makes you difficult to live with?

How about easy to live with?
Hope is a muscle.
Perseverance is a muscle.

Pausing and slowing down.
Taking it in.

Both. And.

Life is lived in the messy middle ground. It is in the potential. It is within the realm of curiosity that there are unlimited options for moving forth. Choose your direction but recognize the path will change.
Ew I do not like my current timeline here rn..
β€œI think it would just be better if I was driving”
- my five year old 😳
What is reality but a collection of sensory inputs that our brain translates from our nerve endings?

Keep chopping wood and carrying water though.

There are reasons we incarnate to the physical.
Individuation is what I strive to strive for, not perfection.

β€œThrough individuation, a person becomes whole by acknowledging and integrating all aspects of the self”
– Carl Jung

β€’ Jung thought wholeness was better than perfection
β€’ Perfect is a perception we wish others to have of us
β€’ Wholeness is being actualised in all aspects of life

Individuation is the lifelong task of practicing radical self-honesty w oneself and facing one’s fears.

β€œThe privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are”
– Carl Jung
