

showcasing the newest actions added to warpcast.

I just came to know about Purple DAO. It’s fascinating. You can also take the quiz, learn about Purple DAO, and earn some ETH
I still see a freaking lot of users ignoring the difference between a Cast Action and a Composer Actions, nor how to invoke the latter when replying to a cast.
I started calling Composer Actions "Mini-Apps" when explaining the differences, but doesn't solve that much.

I feel like a branding + UI / UX patch is long overdue 🤷
@imthedude kindly agreed to make me a mod so DC me to get a membership invite so you can post in /actions.

This is until I figure out how to create the membership frame I’m seeing in other channels, if anybody can help with that I’d appreciate it a lot 😁
Thank you @sartocrates, my man!!

In case you never gave it a spin, @gif is a Composer Action to search and share GIFs without leaving @farcaster clients

- try it here:
- premium sub:
- how to use it in replies:

I've got many more free and premium features in the oven that I will release soon!
So it seems like there are some problems into converting external media links into cloudinary urls on @warpcast

This will affect the use of my @gif composer action for GIFs that were never shared before today!

I am currently investigating if there’s anything I can do on my end, but chances are something’s up with Warpcast.


cc @gt @horsefacts.eth

Thanks @christin and @jpfraneto.eth for spotting this
Cheers mate, thank you so much for sharing!!
Web3 made me lose touch of certain things...tbh✍️
Its Saturday again
Small but useful update for GIF Composer Action: now your @hypersub status for @gif sub is much more clear!

Slowly building blocks to go towards your design @antimofm.eth 😁
👛 Created a Cast Action to check the balance of ETH from a caster's verified address!

Currently, it checks the 1st verified address, working on summing up all verified addresses, as well as displaying ERC-20 balances
When using a composer action in a cast reply, is it possible to get the cast hash of the OP cast the composer action is used on?
Many people still are unaware that Composer Actions -not be confused with Frame Actions, that invoke frames- can be used even in reply to a cast!

So here’s a quick video on how to share a GIF using @gif composer action when replying to somebody:
I made a small but useful update on my composer action:
Now you can choose the map zoom and see a real time preview of your location! 👀📌
I added /eas attestations via cast action to /bot-or-not. Let's build an open record of caster classifications!

1. run cast action
2. see result that you agree with
3. click attest ⚡
4. classification and summary goes on-chain via tx from your wallet

as an example I just attested @chasesommer.eth's summary
ok based Cast Action idea:

1) it’s a Yes No survey at the bottom of a cast

2) after a set time it tally’s up the Yes’

3) it @mentions a person who needs to know the results

Signal app

EG: FC team should have audio notes. Do you support them spending dev resources on this? Could cost 1 month of work for three devs.

125 ppl voted yes (93% of total votes)

“@ dwr and @ V … 125 ppl think this is a good idea! Take a look”

social Signal app
Just added 4 new meme templates for Infinite Memes !
Try them out directly on the Composer ✨
$DEGEN allowance is claimable now.

Check your $DEGEN points and claim tokens: