

An evolving experiment in collaborative creation with and for the Farcaster community from

I've been waiting for the right time to do another WeGen. I think today might be the day.

Everyone who mints goes in the hat.
For anyone wondering what the welcome message looks like when you join the We Are The Art project.

Welcome! :)
You've just been airdropped three of the We Are Mona Lisa tokens. So you are now in the art. You can find yourself in it (sorted alphabetically).
And you are invited to send the two of the tokens to friends to include them as well.

Next is the kickoff event where we will be working out what the next piece should be, and there will be voting on that in the next couple of weeks.

Aside from that, share the project, and enjoy your share of the income from it :)
I'm in our Maxi. Mint to join me
Pretty delightful moment having my wife and kid in We Are The Art.
@jog 😘🖼️
I've airdropped 3 x We Are Mona Lisa's to the latest subscribers, so they have 2 to send to friends. Check your wallets:


Who you going to send yours to (or are you going to hodle)?
Come join the celebration 🎉 - what's the next piece we're going to make?

If you're not in yet then join the 1$ hypersub to become part of the art 👇
I really enjoyed this conversation with @thekris loving what they're up to with Optimism Show.
I have a vision for thousands of people joining in on the art experiences we are making. This is how I see myself making a living from art, not a handful of big sales a year, but 10's then 100's then 1000's of people joining in each month at a tiny price point, and eveyone who joins in shares in the upside.
I'm pumped for the new CoCreated 1$ hypersub:

We Are The Art. And we are doing it together.
🎈50% of rewards to subscribers
🎈50% of mint fees to subscribers
🎈Subscribers decide with me what we do next
🎈Subscribers get 3 copies of everything we do so they can bring their friends in
🎈1 $USDC per month
📣 We are the art and we are changing the world.

Since I joined Farcaster, I've been playing with this idea.

This project is my clearest expression of that idea to date.

Famous CC0 images, monthly, created from the names of everyone who collects.

Join in for $1. Subscribe below 👇
Big changes to my /hypersub subscription coming.

My biggest CoCreation yet: We Are The Art (v3)

It's going to be the cleanest, clearest, articulation of the We Are The Art idea - that it is the community of owners that makes web3 art a significant step change.

The role of art is to transform how you think or feel about something.

You could say the same about marketing.

Perhaps the difference is simply intention.

These thoughts enters my mind whilst brushing my teeth, thought I’d share them here and find out your take.
When you boil it down, right?
My answer: “create experiences that cause people to have fun, see different perspectives and possibility, and feel like they belong here”

No goals for me cc @tombeck.eth ‘s article
Forgot to add the question!

I'm using the @survey OP Boosted Q&A's to gather community feedback.

🔴 Top 5 thoughtful answers will receive 3 $OP
I'm using the @survey OP Boosted Q&A's to gather community feedback.

🔴 Top 5 thoughtful answers will receive 3 $OP
My answer: "What is your motivation and what goal do you want to achieve is my favorite question". What about your?
I find it so interesting how a playful approach unlocks depth - here from the women leading /los-fomos
When you think you're there for one thing, and end up...

Hatching a plan for a DAO to build The Accessible Client for Farcaster.

So great to connect @pauline-unik @tako-unik
Had a catch-up with a former client this week.

He + his org are killing it.

What’s a key to their success?

Co-creating with a complimentary co-founder, he said.

Find someone with whom you can build trust and be vulnerable.

Find someone who makes you better.

It is worth it.
Update for those following along.

TLDR dropping Tuesday

Was all set to go yesterday, just a last couple of tweeks and then deploy. Except deployment failed - SIGKILL - doesn't sound great, right. Spent hours yesterday working through it all. Narrowed it down to a function (that was working fine!)

I'm off to a stag do for the weekend later today, so going to hold until next week.