

COECON official channel of the $COECON coin, memetic field, art organization.

had a super fun day today

lunch with a secret friend
and hours on the rides at hanayashiki which i’ve mentioned as being part inspiration in a roundabout way in recent work 🎢
lots of busy bees 🐝 today on my nature walk
was gonna post it in /nature but .... i can't 😆
The work day following many long, pointed, and unexpected conversations the previous work day, you can wake up and choose peace, or wake up and choose war. Today, I choose war, and this is my war face (and I have already posted it on lingering conversations from yesterday)

I swear I first read this as "is it worth boofing up a moxie?" and I was really fucking pumped about moxie for a sec cause, fuck it, it has been one of them days. But then I realized, I read what I want to read, not what is there
It's supporting and allowance boosting time! Reply your art here, I'll reaction to your cast. ⚡️🔥
Frame by @compez.eth

is this number good? if it helps, post art in the replies and I will go bonkers on recasts and off color commemts
oh lawdy, I have 44 notifications RN. WTF did I post today? mind erasers, smh
I woke up, drank a double espresso like a double shot of Jim Beam, then another, took a bing hit, ate a gummy, popped a lude-like something thing, shotgunned a coffee can drink the gas station, and then proceeded to fly high enough over every problem in my sphere that maybe are still problems, but i do not care. Zoom calls were colorful today, bless their hearts

for @terrybain
no one told me I should have read a book before getting on a @santiagoney X Spaces.

They are using very big fancy words, and I am so fucked up, I am in a walking dream logic

it would not matter, books are hard fir me, unless it is on network routing protocol rfc whitepapers

life is hard
ok, I literally have no bike, and I have to go do a biking thing this weekend. I need maybe 10 rides top out it it, ever.

What is the cheapest I can get and make it maybe 10 rides in the next 3 years?? like "Huffy, but put stickers on it" is a good enough answer.

like riding on pavement, not trything to die downhill death trails, i will be pill'd up AF, probably 30mg of edibles, and a helmet
it's an satirical emo kid propaganda psyop, has to be. but yeah, smile and shit, it helps
I ran out of money at the fair yesterday cause they make you buy arm tag tickets or some shit, and the carney running the basketball game gave me the dollar I was short. I was fucking fade, missed all 4 shots. told the dude thank you for spotting me the $1, so I gave him my last edible he was hyped AF
wildfires to the cow clouds will i deed be hard to plan for
part duex of counrty fair fun

I bought dope hats flat brim snap backs
I am attracting loud, unconditional love, and demands for breakfast with high pitched vibrations screams that will I get my lazy ass out bed. and created scared connection if they fight over the jam
i asked the Mrs. Space Doctor if I could candy coat paint the mini van in shiny purple, put it in 22” rims, and put 2x 15” boom speakers in the trunk so we could donk our ride hard AF and so the people knew who they are dealin’ with when we ridin’ dirty.

Hard veto btw
I told the smallest lil’ Space Doctor I grew up near the hood (cause all the poor people, crackers and otherwise, lived on the same bus route where I went to school).

she yelled -

“OMG, wait, you birthed in a hoodie?!?!?”


Happy Thursday and shit
small black raisins nestled between pink caterpillar lids. Bootlegging is a long and noble tradition in NC. I love loud colors but never really fucked w yellow kicks for some reason. I like how Kramer's disembodied head is just there for no reason

This is a post for @terrybain