

Working on consumer at the intersection of /fashion and technology. Stay tuned.

Launch something daily.

As I prepare for the unknowns of 2025 the only thing I can do is prepare myself to compound my work by launching continuously.

It starts with and grows from there. (the ai conversation is still not plugged into the knowledge base)
a simple thesis.

started: cloud compute + inference time compute = (mind compute)^x
ended: (cloud compute efficiency + inference compute efficiency) * time = (mind compute)^x
Rules to working with me:

- you will experience discomfort
- I will actively disagree
- we will find our weakness
- we will wrestle in weakness.
- we will ascend
really don't have much of a choice but to world build my way out of this one.
noting 3 questions I recently found, help me narrow down quickly, when asked sequentially in context to 1 conversation.

1. What is the goal, LT or ST? (don't get hung up on details, just state them)
2. What are current problems? (don't get hung up on why, just name them)
3. How are current resources allocated? (time, money, activities, etc)
I think i found my motto:

- work with cool people
- solve fun problems
- make money doing that
In case you want to know some of the history of the World Builder jacket.

It all started with FarCon 23', @purple grant money, and some dialogue with @slowcrypto @bias.
I’m back.

Apologies for my absence in building in public as I’ve been trying to cover my gaps.

As I continue to build the World Builder jacket, I want to extend the delivery date to FarCon ’25. My delays have coincided with a slight dip in the vibes, idk If I’m to blame, either way I’m sorry. I’ve been through this cycle once, or twice again, with that in mind, I want to fully contribute to the next cycle.

More to come as I go into the end of this year.

Would love to continue having your support as I continue building a future I hope to see. If you’re onboard, sign of life is all I need, and I’ll begin to use the money you’ve contributed to building. If not, I have your wallet.

Thank you.

- Management (Crypto Division)
Starting to realize that my overall priorities are less about which industry and more about the problems solved with *this* tech.
I think I’m back. I’m not sure but may confirm soon.
My last 5 years, post-finance, were entirely about learning to identify technology and its by-products.
If you believe in “Lindy”, and you look at how long things have been carried on the backs of humans, we still have that many more years to go before AI starts doing any significant back-relief.

This back relief is the opportunity.
In every great turn of events, the theme has always been to expand the human capacity.

Today we find ourselves in no different of a situation.

Independence of total human capacity.
You know you've hit an interesting part of the internet when you have to wait 24hrs for things to be completed on the back-end of a software predominate service.

I have found people often mistake the gluttony of 'instant gratification' with the information age.
Something to consistently remind the team of.
Im producing clothes and I can easily see most, if not all, things mentioned here.

Working my way into the hardware. Baby steps.

Can you imagine what happens if the machinery that produces protection for the largest organ of the human body can be rethought in ways allowing humanity to traverse the stars in unimaginable ways?

I can’t. Just kidding, I definitely can.

Just think about all that sqft, or meters for you international people.
Something about always feeling the shock of when I talk to phone users today and how they only know how to use less than 20% of a phones power yet proceed to always upgrade.

Imagine what the world would look like if they knew how to optimize for the other 80%.

Humans are the biggest hold up. Damn we are blind.

Good thing we got Farcaster.
I've been wanting to write a larger announcements but with all the things I'm working on and wanting to bring to fruition, this will have to do, lean-model, with long-term games.

- WB jackets have been pushed to Sept 1st.
- Working consulting ideas to bridge money gaps.
- Will deepen focus on the farcaster client.
- WB auctions are still in-progress with back-end delays.
- Hypersub subscribers are very much front-of-mind.
- Farcaster activity will change, loving longer-form cast.

I'll dive slight deeper on each below. If anyone has any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to DC me. I'm open to any and all feedback.

See below.
My last before work.

The part of building in public is less about accountability. More about teaching. For at maxims, bytes optimize for information flow, seeking the fastest highways, with the best on/off-ramps, transferring, in perpetuity.

When bytes are all that matter, you must go with the medium that bites.
The trick is not to automate AI, but to enhance its capabilities so that when we create the proper UI it’s the only interface we need to maximize quality of human life.

We never get to “only” but it’s the chase that creates the range, collapsing time in the meantime.
Global problems or solutions:

- discovery
- distribution
- quality
- curation

I’m missing one that I had in back of mind recently.
Got the @iyk chips recently and now even more pumped to ship the World Builder jackets.

Gets me way closer to my vision.

This space is awesome.
I’ve been thinking a lot about where technology adoptions sits today, for me, and the rest of the people behind me.

The people in front of me are mostly here in this room we call Farcaster.

Imo, we are at the stage of this era’s technology adoption sitting at the equivalence of a ~pre-industrial era. Where digital construction is taking the path of a world similar to physical construction.

If you look at the complexity of the tools of abstraction to be used to complete a feat, the level of knowledge required to construct something digital is potentially the equivalent what one would have needed in the ~16-17th century.

Yet the timeline to arrive to a 21 century equivalent will not be the same. It’s likely very compressed.

The reason for this, I believe, are many.

In the industrial era, human way of life changed drastically. It would be reasonable to assume the same changes of family and human way of life would change in a post-industrial era, in the digital era.

This merits a longer post.
Hi channel followers.

Thank you very much for being here. I owe so many of you early supporters an immense gratitude.

To those that joined the Hypersub, to those the pushed my agendas with World Builder jacket, we have a long road to go.

A road slowly and intentionally paved.