

We share an interest in magick and its massive influence on art, music, and science over the past two centuries. We welcome all esoteric talk. 93 93/93

Transform within, and the external world will reflect that change.
The present is the future.
Coins of the occult 👀
The key to mental freedom is observing oneself.
Mintable tarot reading.

Mega. Cool.
We have a new channel member @viisikanta.eth!

Welcome @masonicmagician 🔮
I/ \
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When a man’s will is not the true will, it is not the will of the whole universe, and as such, he is thwarted at every turn.

But when the man identifies his will with the will of the universe, all forces align to ensure the accomplishment of that will.
Join us in the satanic chant - Coven!
Just minted a screenshot of a conversation with a magician friend and launched the Magick collection on /zora for future drops 👀
"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything
has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same;
opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree;
extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes
may be reconciled."--The Kybalion.
wanting more of the right people to see this

raised southern baptist, baptised at 6 years old, and always the good girl my mother raised me to be, that is until 2007 when I deconstructed and left the church and now I manifest my reality.

instead of hosting prayer request groups with my friends
I have circles of manifest requests [workshoppin' this name -ha]
"Magical work involves change and creation. And the subject of the magician’s work is the self. The magician is the focus of his or her own alchemical processes."

Israel Regardie
TO KNOW, TO DARE, TO WILL, TO KEEP SILENCE—such are the four words of the magus, inscribed upon the four symbolical forms of the sphinx.
And I believe in one Earth, the Mother of us all, and in one Womb wherein all men are begotten, and wherein they shall rest, Mystery of Mystery, in Her name BABALON
I feel the effects of a LRP approx. 2H after the ritual is done.

Anyone else?
Do what ye wilt my friends.

Here's David Bowie dressed in a ceremonial magick outfit inspired by the Golden Dawn.

Listen to Quicksand, on which he sings about this phase!
A lot of musicians have been practitioners of the occult, one of the most famous being Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin.

Their work contains multiple references to esotericism, magick, and the occult, such as the sacrifice depicted in the inner sleeve of Houses of the Holy.