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long term I want to make the nouns dao executor the owner of these new flow contracts

but they're on @base

is there anything simple i can do to give the DAO more ownership over them without having to have the entire DAO move over?
The biggest outstanding question on our Nouns proposal for streaming grants continues to be:

How do we structure the recursive stream tree and decide the list of approved grants recipients in each pool?

Luckily, there's a mechanism out there for aligning incentives around the creation of lists. prop updated 🤝
What's the latest thinking on L2? I feel like the 7 day delay going from L2 -> mainnet is a big limitation. But being able to spin up gov related contracts on L2 (contract based nouncil for example) would be cool to reduce costs a bit. Just not sure how it gets done, wonder if anyone has any thinking here.
Rough ideas after reading:

I think the key design challenge here is not requiring people to place their NOUN in a new contract.

Off the cuff ideas

- Could update governor to have an exclude list
- People who delegate to a pool, get a soulbound NFT which prevents double vote problem
- Burn soulbound NFT to get normal voting privileges again
- Governor lists known pool contracts similar to well-known Clients
any justification from the team here?

I can only speak for myself but I deliberately spent time thinking and interacting with protocol channel because there was such a strong reward. It feels like a horrible precedent to set that you can change the rewards after the round ends.
sorry to be annoying about this but the round closed 4 days ago
@seneca maybe make it so it's not possible to start a round without depositing the reward
Is the protocol round going to be topped up 👉👈
Hey i just try our site and its great
impressed and good I like the features offered by the team, as a user I feel very comfortable and easly to understand great @el4d 🔥🔥

Minimal POC for a contract that would custody all of the t-nouns and let anyone swap for a fee without having to create a proposal.

Looking for feedback on contract and also if this is something worth seriously pursuing.
Does some combination of block # + owner work? Each of these on their own do not work.

Block number -> I can swap for each noun in the pool and mint and NDT ahead of a proposal. As long as nobody backruns me I have overextended my voting power.

Owner -> I can swap, vote, swap, vote, swap, vote for each noun in the pool.

Block number + owner -> I can't swap, vote, swap, vote because the block number check enforces that I must do this ahead of the proposal and I can't mint x NDTs ahead of time because owner check.

Keep track of both of these on the NDT (no need to track transfers, just keep state on the NDT for who held the noun at the time the NDT was minted. No need for token wrapper.

Downside is this does not preserve stale NDTs, and does not allow someone to receive an NDT and instantly start voting (which could be confusing)

Positives are legibility of voting power, easier subdelegation, coolness factor

Where am I going wrong here?
Some initial thoughts about Nouns Delegate Token (NDT) snapshotting, and why I don't think it can solve the swap attack.
I still need to digest the governor changes but would it be possible to keep a snapshot/checkpoint of the voting power but then also have NDTs to allow for all of the positives they provide? This way you couldn't rotate through the pool because you'd have reached your voting power cp
Nouns Governor design challenge

We found a bad attack vector, and don't love any of the mitigations.

Please read and help us be smarter!
( starts tomorrow morning)
Nouns Protocol Summer is starting tomorrow morning. Let's get the Nounish big brains thinking about the protocol: