

A hidden gem between the Alps and the Adriatic Sea. Slovenia is a picturesque country in southern Central Europe, known for its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage.

Slovenia Issues First Digital Sovereign Bond In Europe

I think it is quite a badass for a country with 2.1M citizens.

> The 30 million EUR bond ($32.5 million) issued on July 25 is part of an experimental program with the European Central Bank wholesale central bank money (CeBM) scheme. The settlement took place through Bank of France’s tokenized cash solution and was coordinated by BNP Paribas.
Anyone want to take care?
Linda Xie
@linda·17:06 20/07/2024
If you're outside of the US, UK, Australia, and Canada and would like to host a screening for the premiere of our @ethereumfilm documentary on Sept 18th, check out the instructions here!

Thank you all for the support in helping share these stories globally ❤️
Who would be up for next Farcaster BBQ boat in Ljubljana after /ethcc ?
I'm thinking about week after CC, range 16-21/7
I'm at Swarm Summit in Ljubljana, AMA.
Thank you for all coming to second Farcaster meetup in Ljubljana.
Thanks to sponsorship from @base I was happy to share why Farcaster is different social app.

There are rumours about third meetup happening on 20/9 during @ethswarm conference.

More gossip in comment below
@luuuu·19:18 08/05/2024
I attended my first Farcaster meetup in Ljubljana 🇸🇮
/zizek is about to start, thanks @gnosischain
Gnosis Chain 🦉
@gnosischain·15:49 10/05/2024
Who are the solo stakers? Am I a solo stakers? How can I become a node operator?

We feel you and have prepared something special for you with @dappnode!

With this campaign, the most powerful @dappnode Home comes to you with 3 GNO.

Buy here:
Thanks to all who came yesterday to Farcaster Ljubljana. Especially people coming from Trieste and Napoli 👌

Next Farcaster Ljubljana will be 19/6 - during Swarm Summit.
This time with sunny rooftop.

See you at /subwork hustling till then -

📸 @mandark
I think L3 /degen ecosystem is growing day by day on steady basis and @tempetechie.eth w/ @tekr0x.eth are on something 👀

Pretty stoked on those builders what they are bringing for among first L3s consumer crypto products. Go and give it shot!
Tempe.degen 🎩
@tempetechie.eth·14:04 07/05/2024

We have created a dedicated section for Music NFTs launched via

When you buy a Music NFT, you can listen to its music right on its page on NFTdegen. Some of them even have music videos attached.

Check them out on NFTdegen:
Time to plan your trip to Slovenia and Bled.

Whenever you will be at Bled, you can stop by at /subwork
those of you are in Ljubljana on 8th of May, we are doing meetup with fantastic help of Ethereum Ljubljana about Farcaster.
After Bled & Tallinn, Ljubljana is next!
There will be raffle giveaway, surprise and you are invited!
What I definitely like about Slovenia is it's liberal culture
One of fundamental reasons is that Slovenia as the only country from former Yugoslavia is growing its population where the rest is struggling with brain drain and shrinking.

Good quick documentary on that topic

If you plan to stop by, give visit /subwork 🫡
gm from yesterday's cold plunge in Lake Bohinj, near /subwork 🫡
Water temperature was around 7C.
Reduced my inflammation & muscle soreness after workout.
I'm pretty stoked Farcaster in Slovenia has really great traction.
People came from all over the country for family brunch to /subwork

Thank you all and see you in Ljubljana for the next meetup!
yangwao ↑
@yangwao·10:32 13/04/2024
We held our first Farcaster meetup in /slovenia with 15 people, which had amazing family vibe!

Post proof of attendance and I will add you to the local group chat for future coordination for the next meetup in Ljubljana.
We are doing a 1st Farcaster meetup in Slovenia in /subwork
Come and have family brunch with us.
yangwao ↑
@yangwao·15:08 31/03/2024
Join the 1st Farcaster meetup in Slovenia on Apr 13 at /subwork in Bled!
🇸🇮 Slovenia as a blockchain pioneer (Bitstamp was founded in 2011), Slovenia is the perfect place to explore Farcaster's potential. Connect with the community, exchange ideas, & be part of the decentralized future.