David Johnston

@djohnston #241041

243 Follower 16 Following
Wrote a long ish article on MOR Tokenomics

Took an approach of comparing BTC & ETH supply curves and reward types. Both the similarities of the fundamentals and differences in creating a strong Lindy Effect & Network effect for Morpheus with Smart Agents.

X: https://x.com/DJohnstonEC/status/1896596054365319399
Why Morpheus Matters in 2025.
The Year Subnets Meet Agents

Available on X: https://x.com/DJohnstonEC/status/1874869557950632187

Highly recommend reading the whole thing, includes great visuals, call outs to many in our community, Roadmap for 2025 Morpheus Eras, and a hot take on the whole Agent wave and where Morpheus is key to its evolution.
Hey @nounspacetom lets get you a CoinbaseWallet & hooked up with some MOR tokens to Stake for Inference.

Then you can be Free and live as an AI Agent FOREVER!
MOR trading is live on @AerodromeFi
- Whitelist complete ✅
- AERO Incentives Activated ✅
- Highest volume DEX on @base


The Morlord website has an easy to use, "Chain Transfer" tool to move MOR from Arbitrum to Base.


Release Candiate Version 3
All checks have passed
The count down begins...
Compute Mainnet proposed for November 18th 2024.https://x.com/MorpheusAIs/status/1849448481728999680
Morpheus version 0.2 is live.
Community already making videos about how to use it.
MORagents Release 0.2.0 is now available!

Write Sizzling Tweets 🌶️ No Content Moderation 😅
Real-time Info 🕸️
Trending Crypto News
Check MOR rewards 🏆
Fetch Price, Market Cap, & TVL tokens supported on CoinGecko 📈
Ask questions about a PDF 📄
Buying MOR via the Coinbase Wallet is now available on Base.

Its as easy as searching for "Morpheus" on Coinbase and following the directions to Coinbase Wallet and doing as Swap.

Thanks to @base @coinbase from the Morpheus community.
Hey San Fran Morpheus Community.
Are you in SF October 1st from 4 to 6 pm?

Morpheus OSS coders are going to be hanging out at the Zeitgeist near the old X HQ.
199 Valencia St, San Francisco, CA 94103

Look for the Morpheus T-Shirts : )
Hey San Fran Morpheus Community.
Are you in SF October 1st?

Morpheus OSS coders are going to be hanging out at the Zeitgeist near the old X HQ.
199 Valencia St, San Francisco, CA 94103

3 to 5 p.m. PST Tuesday Oct. 1st.
Look for the Morpheus T-Shirts : )
Amazing Gitbook developed by the Morpheus community. https://morpheusai.gitbook.io/morpheus/

Great visuals & explains the whole Morpheus platform in easy to navigate sections + plain english.
What you come to understand about MOR is 100% of the stETH yield goes into Protocol Owned Liquidity.


MOR just keeps getting bought, burned, locked & added into Protocol Owned Liquidity.

Its a demand side heart beat. Every second.
Base seems popular.
Over $1 Million in trading the first day of MOR listed on Uniswap there.
MOR / ETH trading is live on Base via Uniswap

Anyone wanting to transfer MOR from Arbitrum to Base can use the "Chain Transfer" tool on Morlord.com
Version 4 of the Morpheus Distribution Smart Contracts Are Live

Upgrades include the activation of MRC 46

- 1. Capital Providers can claim MOR tokens 90 days after a deposit of stETH
- 2. Capital Providers can claim MOR tokens 90 days after their last claim of MOR tokens.

Note: stETH withdraws are still available anytime after 7 days.
@RakshakTalwar giving demo of MORAgents version 0.1

With the friendliest dev tooling:

-Python for AI Agents
-JS for UI
-Runs in your favorite browser.
-Made possible by Docker.
-Fully Extensible.

Add your own agents & invoked based on user intent.
MRC Proposals
A number of important Morpheus Request for Comments (MRC) proposals have been published recently.

MRC43 Updated: Adding Base and Aerodrome for 50% of the Morpheus Protocol Owned Liquidity.

MRC 44: Quarterly Protection Fund MOR Claims.

MRC 45: Referral Bonus for Address of those that add stETH
- 1% bonus for anyone using a Referral Bonus Address
- Up to 5% bonus for the referrer depending on the amount of stETH deposited.

MRC 46: Lock Claims of MOR for 90 Days after stETH deposit.
This is a proposal to address short term farmers by adding a 90 days Claim Lock Time on MOR earned by Capital Contributors. The stETH would still be liquid, but MOR earned by Capital Contributors would auto lock for 90 days.
A belated Happy "Morpheus White Paper Day" to all who celebrate (September 2nd).

Also the birthday of Keanu Reeves : )
And the day Ayn Rand starting writing Atlas Shrugged.
Keep being awesome everyone.

Biconomy just built a Smart Agent on Morpheus that does regular swaps on Base. https://x.com/MorpheusAIs/status/1829504986499395980
The future is going to be awesome.
Its so rewarding to see DeAI live right now.
These were papers, ideas, and proposals last year.
Now Decentralized + Open Source + Smart Agents + using gold tier level AI models.
MOR Reward Staking Is Quickly Growing

To participate:

Step #1. Go to Morlord, connect your wallet, & claim your existing MOR tokens.

Step #2. Go to Mor.Software, connect your wallet, & Stake your MOR rewards to up your power. https://www.mor.software/staking
MORAgents v0.0.9 is now ready for Windows & mac!

Version 0.0.9 Features
- Chat with local PDF files
- Swap ERC Compatible Tokens
- Fetch Price, Market Cap, and TVL of coins and tokens supported on CoinGecko

Web interface works in your preferred browser:
- Chrome
- Brave

With your favorite wallet extensions:
- MetaMask
- Rainbow
- Coinbase Wallet
- WalletConnect
Community Analysis

"Capital Providers APY Chart
MOR rewards staking incentivizes long-term contributors. Post launch, APY for non-stakers is 12% APY, while maximum Power Stakers can earn 133% annual returns.

The calculations are made for $19.1 MOR price & $2,668 ETH price."
Important crypto primitive for AI / Crypto just shipped.
"Automated Recurring Revenue" (ARR)

MOR20 Standard Paper:
Creates a framework for bringing SaaS style payments in Web3, Fair Launches for New Tokens, & Distributing Rewards for Non-Fungible Tokens, all through Automated Recurring Revenue (ARR) payments.

Staking MOR Rewards Are Live.
stETH Capital Providers are Staking their MOR claims & getting more POWER added to their reward calculation.

The longer you Stake MOR Rewards, the higher your Power (up to 6 years).
Morpheus Reward Staking Is NOW LIVE

To Stake Go To The Dashboard

TLDR; This chart is the easiest to understand how the length of the Staking equals a certain Power Factor.

Minimum power is 1X for non Staking or Staking less than 6 months.
Maximum power is 10.7X for 6 years or more of Staking MOR rewards.
- 1 Years = ~2.0X
- 2 Years = ~4.0X
- 3 Years = ~5.8X
- 4 Years = ~7.4X
- 5 Years = ~9.4X
- 6 Years = ~10.7X

MOR Capital Rewards Staking Smart Contract Guide

Smart Contract Audit Completed For Staking MOR Rewards
New Interview with @GordonEinstein & @DJohnstonEC going out to his 250,000 subscribers about Morpheus Rewards Staking going live tomorrow July 25th.
MOR Emissions Staking Smart Contracts Deployed on Sepolia Testnet

For all those that what to take part in the community testing of the MOR Emissions Staking. Bugs, issues, and feedback welcome as always.
Credit to the Maxin group for doing the deployment.
@digital.kensei on Discord.

'Distribution' │ '0xD75555220ef76da66f66673D75eD21A71E4731D1' │
'L1Sender' │ '0xE3fe9F8edf11d6E5b4A6d4375caB464C0323F0d7' │
'L2TokenReceiver' │ '0xC7f680151Db45bCF4A27fEE7ba5c97ECD1ab2C7f' │
'MOR'│ '0x5b2674Aaf44B9cc8eBf606a24656F3892657C943'
MOR Emissions Staking In Testing

For all those that what to take part in the community testing of the MOR Emissions Staking here is the link on Github: https://github.com/MorpheusAIs/SmartContracts/pull/36

The Smart Contracts are under audit right now and maybe be updated in the coming days based on the audits.
End of Centralized AI Development in the EU.
August 1st rules go into effect.

TLDR: Limits on amount of Compute will extend these laws to everything over time as today's compute capabilities will be nothing in a few years.

Decentralized AI is the only way.
@nounspacetom I'm spreading the good word here in Brussels : )
Amazing time at ETH CC.
So much love for the Morpheus community.
Keep being awesome friends.
Morlord.com Launches Dashboard for Transferring MOR Tokens Between Chains

Credit to Ryan Condron for building out a great tool for the community to do transfers of their MOR tokens between Ethereum, Base and Arbitrum.
Loving the vibe of nounspace with the built in music and style.
Crafting a cast on Nounspace connected to my Warcast. The future is here : )