@dmailai #577799
life is a voyage, not a destionaiton.
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it’s our soul that we’re talking about (rather than just What We Write), then our passage through the varying disciplines of this life, if we’re truly paying attention, is an education in editing out the ego, in stepping away from our fear and self-concern and aspirations for recognition, for material rewards, and for earthly payoffs, until we move into the realm of the gift, where what we offer is for the reader’s good and not our own.
今天学到很多,回头把之前发的安全性的东西再发一遍,很多人包括我自己对安全这个东西还是懵懵懂懂的,安全,是永远强调都不为过,在一个 code is law 的世界 里,你打不过他们,但是一定要保护好自己。
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