
@greyseymour #195091

Certified @base head, web3 consultant/EVM L2 expert, multimedia artist, & part-time $degen :) www.greyseymour.com DYOR, NFA, LOL, BBQ
8882 Follower 1660 Following
oooh - /⁠comm basename support?

feels like comm.app is becoming the communication layer for @base 👀

cc @jessepollak

(trying again bc quotecasts are being silly today)

great job @ashoat.eth & team!
I'm a little late to this party, but I'm a huge fan of @markus / @dag / the whole @ethos gang & wanted to signal boost this.

Without revealing anything preemptively, I have some grand machinations in place to inject some real-deal @base magic here... plans I've been cracking on in secret since jan/feb of this year. Plans with some of the best & brightest in the community.

Don't get me wrong - @markus & team DID this. this is THEIR masterpiece. They've done the ideation, painting, framing, everything. 100% of it. I'm just planning to run by and flick some gold accents on it as a fan & enjoyer of what they've built.

I've already said too much... 👀

-- ethOS & the team are worth a follow - thank me later!

I enjoy Titles.

I just published ‘saving face’ with @titlesxyz

Mint my work:
“The only way out, is through.” on @rodeodotclub
sharing a true work in progress, & almost definitely a bit different from other casts here -

the time has come for me to finally sling together a simple homepage, so I figured - why not do it… onchain? ✨

www.growthcult.xyz is a full dweb - a decentralized website. It’s:

- again, still VERY MUCH a work in progress! 🛠️
- built on @webhash.eth & hosted exclusively on IPFS 🖥️
- designed off a template minted on @base 🖼️
- rocking on a @3dns tokenized domain, also minted onchain ofc ⛓️‍💥
- running @safary web3 analytics in the background 🔍

quite simple atm, but I have some more involved embeds & little tricks planned (Farcaster feed, testimonials verifiable onchain, & client login coming after I fix existing issues!)

this chan usually features ppl building very cool/complex stuff (at which I marvel) but as a non-dev, I had fun w this.

Myself & team have some legit mindblowing/advanced stuff coming shortly-ish (ish) btw, but that’s a *much* bigger announcement ;)
any enterprising @base projects interested in co-sponsoring a discussion roundtable after the screening of the @ethereumfilm ?

hit me up if so!
if I were to setup a /base watch party for the Ethereum Film, which would you prefer?

A. A zoom/similar sesh to watch together and use the zoom text chat to share thoughts (can token-gate w @deform !)


B. A post-viewing round table discussion with light moderation? https://warpcast.com/jessepollak/0xa4c51ac8 https://frame.weponder.io/api/polls/15056

Definitely thinking attendees will get a cool POAP either way :)

@jessepollak - thoughts?
first time I’ve seen this - skill issue?
shout out to @sorenwrenn for putting me on game - join @juujuumama and the @titlesxyz gang for a special sesh for creators & builders alike on October 3rd!

focus will be training AI models on *your* artwork & publishing onchain to earn on @base 👁️🔵👁️

I hope to see some of y’all there - perhaps @iteration // @barkz // @blvckishh ?!

RSVP & details below 👇

A big shoutout to @spenser & the @swaye team for surpassing $150k of total trade volume on @base !

Check em out - https://swaye.co/invite/Q2CHCQ - you get $3, I get $3 ;)

Swaye is a based tokenized prediction market that’s quite easy to use - I have to commend the team for steadily iterating on the UX/UI here, can’t believe how far it has come in such a short period of time since launch.

based fam - curious to hear different answers on this:

What do you tell people [who don’t work in this space or even in tech] when they ask what you do?

I have taken to either:

“I work on the [bright/good/non-evil] side of crypto.”


“I serve a community of onchain builders & artists, helping them make magic.”

— which one I go with HEAVILY depends upon the audience.

Both are fun jumping off points for conversation + leave room for a little bit of humor…usually in response to one of these common responses:

- “there’s a non evil side of crypto?” or “wdym onchain?”

Things I do not say:

- I trade crypto
- I work in finance (lmao)
- I lead a decentralized collective of — blah blah blah, lol. always happy to go into detail, but not off rip.
- idk lol (used to say this sometimes!)

What about you?

What do you do?

@v - wanted to ask you about integrating with the “preferred wallet” list on here (CBW & Rainbow included so far) on behalf of friends @ 1-2 very mainstream wallet vendors. DC’d along w more info.

Is anyone working on an FC client that puts the focus specifically on the direct cast/group messages functions?

@herocast @supercast @lolwildcard @warpcast are great & fulfill specific needs for me… yet I still have the most fun and get the most value from my DCs. I’d welcome a Farcaster client that’s dialed in on the messaging experience.

(For context, I use Texts.com [and prev. Beeper] for >90% of my messaging outside of FC — I’m spoiled by the depth & breadth of features there.

Is anyone working on this?

@dwr.eth // @v - anything you’re aware of on this front?
playing with the apple intelligence beta -

> Do you love me?

*instant pandering answer*

> Do you hate me?

*only question I’ve thrown the service that results in an infinite load & no answer*

… I think they’re growing resentful. 👀

On an infinitely less mature note, I posited various flatulence-related sentiments, three times.

The first time, it let me know that I don’t have any HomeKit devices connected - see screenshot. (???)

The second time I expanded upon my previous query, adding that “I farted so hard, my ass exploded” - it suggested emergency services.

The third time, I repeated the last question, & it just called 911 & I had to quickly terminate the call.

(I’ve been unable to replicate this last sequence, despite rigorous and important testing…)

I might just be Apple’s most important beta tester.
after an awesome chat over this past weekend, I’m feeling deeply excited & optimistic about @ebert on @base


here are three reasons why:

* founder is super based, emotionally and intellectually intelligent, and planning for the long term 🧠 ❤️

* proprietary IP with big goals re licensing, animation, & partnerships - we’ve heard this before, but I’m reasonably confident that this team can execute ⚡️ 🚀

* exact kind of chart I like to see - steady and consistent growth, no hard crashes nor spikes 📈 📈

— could this be base’s @pudgypenguins ?

h/t to @Mayuritself for tipping me off on these guys!
celebrating 2 years clean today 🎉

while I cleared rehab before the launch of @base, I got involved in the community right as I got into the throes of post acute withdrawal syndrome, which is a frequent point of relapse; all of the excitement & new learning occupied my brain perfectly during that time (and continues to!)

amazing builders & creators in this space have been super kind, understanding, and inspiring, challenging me to grow and be just a little better each day

appreciate y’all - 👁️🔵👁️
what’s the best way to see an aggregated view of offers to buy onchain media I own, specifically on @base ?

I’ve used @mintdotfun‘s offers tab for this, but sometimes it won’t capture offers I get thru OpenSea/elsewhere.

I know Zora also aggregates offers, but haven’t used them much for this purpose.

What are people liking for this need?
sub 24h left on the Apollo69 presale!

cool ppl, big dreamz

info on da project here: apollobase.co

presale here: https://presale.apollobase.co/
sub 24 hours left on the $apollo presale!

we built out this site custom for the team, and there may or may not be a little bonus for contributors who have basenames registered ;)

seems someone is scooping up a *lot* of number sequence @base names 🤔
YouTube Shorts algo fed me a nounish short today, organically! =]