
@hackatao #309045

859 Follower 231 Following
Perhaps the first ever cryptoart exhibition.
Bård Ionson
@bardionson·01:42 10/05/2024
Fight Fear Exhibition 2018
Since 2007, we've thrived on art despite challenges. In 2012, after moving from Milan to the mountains, we produced 49 canvases in six months for a major gallery debut. Living in a cramped attic with our daughter, we made it work. This proves that claims of no space or time are excuses. Just start working.
Looking at what is happening in the world, it seems that the Nazis won World War II since their victims [and the victors] are behaving like them.

To paraphrase J. L. Borges [Deutsches Requiem]
Say it without worrying about the consequences.
Being an artist outside of stereotypes is not easy.
But it is very satisfying to be ourselves.
If you own one or more Q+Ks, but have not done any hacking, you can now freely buy new traits on our official website and make your Queens+Kings even more beautiful or villainous.
[The cost is $23 each, which covers technical costs].
If you hacked during Q+K Season 6 you are entitled to early access to the new traits.
You have until Thursday 18 to get the ones you are entitled to.
After that they will go on the free market.
Be aware of the artistic value you might lose.
Aleph-0 started to change by following the cycles of nature.

Aleph-0 #76 [@ramiel.eth] located in the southern hemisphere, where autumn is coming, has lost its 'buds'. We are curious to see how they will be reborn in the spring.
For those in the northern hemisphere, the changes will begin to be seen next autumn.
I dreamt of a large table set with many people standing around it. I stepped in and swept everything on the table with my arm.
I woke up energetic and determined.
I had a month-long problem with a CryptoExchange.
They blocked my account. They demanded me a pile of documents to prove the provenance. I gave everything and then they started mocking me. I threatened to take them to court. They unblocked my account. I withdrew everything and said goodbye. Be careful out there!
Buongiorno Signori e Signore.
Random Extraction complete! The winner of the QK is @chromospace.eth !!!
CongratZzzZZzzzZ!!!🎖️ 🎉
End today!
@hackatao·10:00 18/02/2024
Hey there, Art Lovers!
I'm raffling off this QK among all those who will be part of the /hackatao channel. Make sure you join us by Friday, 23rd February💖
Life is short, make art, for on a cosmic scale it will always be scarce.
A person's imaginary life is more interesting than the real one.
@hackatao·10:00 18/02/2024
Hey there, Art Lovers!
I'm raffling off this QK among all those who will be part of the /hackatao channel. Make sure you join us by Friday, 23rd February💖
Hey there, Art Lovers!
I'm raffling off this QK among all those who will be part of the /hackatao channel. Make sure you join us by Friday, 23rd February💖
When you don't know what to do… make art.
Sotheby's selling off-chain.
copy C:\Sothebys\Offchain\Ethrock.jpg B:\Collection\myNFT\Ethrock.jpg
There will come a world where everyone will have their own blockchain and it will be interoperable with all others.

Oh it already exists, it is our brain! 🧠
OK there is work to be done on interoperability... but the cryptosystem is remarkable.

Art always wins.
Aleph-0 #166 with 3 Primitives inside.
The funny thing today is that a centralised exchange has blocked some funds for me because I cannot prove their origin and all proofs of correspondence with Hackatao are not accepted.
This is a Queens+Kings frozen.
Which means she is no longer hackable.
Which means it used to be hackable.
Which means that a collector intervened and changed her traits to his liking.
Shared creativity between artist and collector.
Aleph-0 #209

Flow: Cracked mud
Scale: Yocto
Style: Arcane
This work is only understood by those who were there in the early days.

Copy/paste from @superrare

"This artwork wants to capture a moment of history of Cryptoart on SuperRare. It refers to a post by VK_Crypto..." read all on:
What will the aesthetics of the future look like?
An increasingly crazy mix of the past.

Queen+Kings #6781
Have the first Scams been seen on the forecast?
Or is it still clean territory?
Just curious and hopeful. It would be great if this space was kept clean.
What are the antibodies to keep scammers away?
@dcinvestor·13:29 08/02/2024
hot take: CHANNELS are the killer app here for 90% of incoming users, NOT frames

community and niche topic discussions. accessible, but not obtrusive. less clunky and more useful than now mostly defunct hashtags on X

it’s a game changer, and will be the core of why this app succeeds imo

best parts of X and Reddit