Jack Solowey

@jacksolowey #13966

Fintech & autonomous finance (crypto, DeFi, & AI) policy https://linktr.ee/jwsolowey
149 Follower 195 Following
It’s happening, as the kids say.
@balajis.eth·19:52 16/08/2024
Welcome to the Network School.

Apply online at ns.com. Doors open on Sep 23, the day after the Network State Conference in Singapore. Full announcement is below. Oh, and everything we're doing is built on Farcaster.

I look forward to seeing you there!
To say that the SEC "has loosened rules that make it much easier to invest in crypto" is like saying Venezuela suffers from "brutal capitalism."
My thoughts on the rise of *decentralized expertise* following the global financial crisis and the lessons from crypto, DeFi, and retail investor empowerment for a way out of our ongoing crisis of trustworthiness:
Jack Solowey
@jacksolowey·13:27 26/07/2024
Elite disfunction defines our age.

Whether you call it "Brokenism," "late Soviet America," or something milder, the underlying scandal is the same.

While better minds than mine debate the best frame, I'll explore how *decentralized expertise* can help us out of our crisis.🧵
Elite disfunction defines our age.

Whether you call it "Brokenism," "late Soviet America," or something milder, the underlying scandal is the same.

While better minds than mine debate the best frame, I'll explore how *decentralized expertise* can help us out of our crisis.🧵
Jack Solowey
@jacksolowey·18:28 21/06/2024
Thrilled to be moderating a discussion on the intersection of DeFi, AML policy & financial freedom w/ Angela Angelovska-Wilson, @billhughesdc, Eric Alston & Michael Mosier!
🗓️ July 10th at 10:30-11:30 am EDT at Cato
Looking forward to moderating this discussion one week from today!
Jack Solowey
@jacksolowey·18:28 21/06/2024
Thrilled to be moderating a discussion on the intersection of DeFi, AML policy & financial freedom w/ Angela Angelovska-Wilson, @billhughesdc, Eric Alston & Michael Mosier!
🗓️ July 10th at 10:30-11:30 am EDT at Cato
Thrilled to be moderating a discussion on the intersection of DeFi, AML policy & financial freedom w/ Angela Angelovska-Wilson, @billhughesdc, Eric Alston & Michael Mosier!
🗓️ July 10th at 10:30-11:30 am EDT at Cato
Turns out the "Sacramento-Brussels Sandwich" Jennifer Huddleston mentions in our Cato Daily Pod is not an innovative combination of avocado🥑 & chocolate🍫 but an innovation-killing bind threatening AI development.🤖 https://www.cato.org/multimedia/cato-daily-podcast/dont-freeze-technological-advancement-stem-ai
Congress advanced 2 big pieces of crypto legislation in 2 wks--a SAB 121 disapproval (Sen & House) & #FIT21 (House).

But it also did something more: it took steps to rein in an administrative state that's perpetrated a long train of abuses against U.S. consumers & innovators.🧵
How often does ChatGPT think about the Roman Empire?
Crypto is a 21st Century instantiation of decentralized control. The American founding’s version is the separation of powers enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

Congress has begun, however incrementally, to push back on the administrative state's usurpation of legislative power.🧵
Ryan Sean Adams (rsa.eth)
@rsa.eth·21:44 22/05/2024

Biggest crypto legislation in US ever

71 PRO-CRYPTO DEMS far beyond what anyone hoped

Huge vote of confidence for crypto in congress

bye by anti-crypto army
"Today, the House Committee on Rules publicly noticed its intent to consider the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century (FIT21) Act, clearing a pathway for a floor vote later this month."
Eyes are on stablecoin policy in DC.

Today in @coindesk, Jennifer Schulp & I argue that stablecoin legislation must respect the dual-banking system, an original form of decentralized governance.
Excited to be discussing AI policy on the Hill next Wednesday (4/17) at noon with my colleagues Jennifer Schulp, Jennifer Huddleston, and Professor Pedro Domingos! 🤖 🗽
SEC’s aggressive crypto enforcement campaign & passive aggressive refusal to make clear rules is incompatible w/ Congress’s legislative authority. Congress must say enough already. https://open.substack.com/pub/metaverserb/p/crypto-courts-and-congress?r=2r19x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true
New complaint just dropped. LEJILEX and Crypto Freedom Alliance of Texas v. SEC 👀
Read Write Own is listed as a technology book. (And of course it is one!)

But it's also an important policy book that's a must read for anyone thinking about the future of governance. Here's why.
Read Write Own by @cdixon.eth is listed as a technology book. (And of course it is one!)

But it's also an important policy book that's a must read for anyone thinking about the future of governance. Here's why.
An interesting version of the “Bahamas Test” for decentralization.
Vitalik Buterin
@vitalik.eth·22:58 14/02/2024
The skiff situation is a good reminder of why decentralized ecosystems are so valuable.

Challenge question @dwr.eth @v : how far along is Farcaster in this regard? If hypothetically your team got acquihired by Facebook (or Tencent, or...) tomorrow, how well would the ecosystem be able to keep going?
Was great discussing open-source fintech (including crypto, DeFi, and AI) and the regulatory backlash today at the Cato Institute's conference on crypto regulation and competitiveness!
I discuss PayPal's stablecoin plans and the state of U.S. crypto regulation in the latest Cato Daily Podcast. (Notwithstanding his Cardinals fandom, Caleb is a good sport when I refer to the "PayPal Mafia" as the '27 Yankees.)
🤖Pivoting to #AI isn't just for crypto startups.

Crypto foe Gary Gensler thinks AI threatens financial stability.

But his case rests on shaky assumptions:
(1) foundation models will be monopolized.
(2) this will cause herd behavior & groupthink.

My reasons for skepticism👇🧵