Paul Cowgill

@paulcowgill #2194

building /cove with the /onceupon team. prev: head of product @ foundation.twitter.
4113 Follower 823 Following
this week we shipped:

mint your favorite contracts

onchain svg nfts

building something new with the /onceupon team

this week we shipped an app for minting contracts as onchain svg nfts.

try it out on base sepolia:

please send feedback my way - planning to clean it all up and launch on base as soon as next week!
i’m wrong very often

i try to be wrong concisely and clearly so we can find out sooner
i wish i could share a word cloud of the channels i’m a member of
building /cove

this week we:

* built a mobile-first UI
* set up kafka+websockets
* switched to embedded wallets
* ran a playtest of the game - tx: https://sepolia.basescan.org/tx/0x1695e503fd3ec358b1b4860055cb96852182f2efd766dcb0fb483f3aa605aec1#eventlog
* zoomed out and came up with a new "big swing" startup idea
@cdt calls it sneakypushing when i merge a pr into the ui repo and it stops him from pushing straight to main
building /cove

this week we:
* built a UI and API for the onchain game we're building on top of /cove protocol
* played the game on base sepolia
* created cards for items in the game
building /cove

this week we:
* built a UI and API for the onchain game we're building on top of /cove protocol
* played the game on base sepolia
* created cards for items in the game
zoom poker game tomorrow (thursday), should be a good time. let me know if you wanna join!
final cast before my boost runs out!

hi, my name is paul

follow me if you like ethereum, startups, music, comedy, and/or tennis
this is inspiring me to add terms of service sooner rather than later

what’s a good template or existing example to start from?
what’s the best smart contract protocol docs site you’ve seen?

i feel like there’s a lot of potential for visuals and a good intro to make a protocol easy for newcomers to grok, but i haven’t seen a great example yet
finally, more than one user op per tx!

for a while there it was always just one.

here’s an example from one of my recent smart wallet user ops

my boost helped me find the interesting content i had inside of me this whole time
i love a rainy farmers market

filters out all the amateurs
automatically store the best historical casts on OK Banger Archive ™️ before their storage expires
cursor will blur the line between software startups and software dev shops

network effect across multiple apps
I got boosted this weekend, and I think it made me graduate as a farcaster user from active to engaged
what’s your favorite open-source solidity 0.8.x repo?

looking for inspiration + modern best practices now that I’m writing solidity again
how I spend my time:

1. smart contracts
2. strategy (gtm, network effects, idea maze)
3. design (wireframes, user archetypes, brand)
team of 3, all engineers.

here’s how we split the dev work to optimize for shipping:

ui: @cdt
api: @jomessin
contracts: me
next week, we’ll wire up new contracts + ui + api for the 3rd time in 7 weeks

contracts: /foundry
ui: next.js, tailwind
api: /ponder-sh
in the /cove protocol, the admin of a group can be a person or a smart contract.

the smart contract can be an onchain game.