
@pedagangsayur #530935

1099 Follower 1146 Following
Good morning everyone...
NiHappy Tuesday.
In the month of Ramadan full of blessings I have no time to relax and lay down.
Alhamdulillah, it is always flooded with cake orders that I only make once a year, such as nastar, kastengel, snow white, and beans.
so rarely active and interactive
Setelah sekian lama disibukan dengan rumah sakit dan klinik,akhirnya bisa aktif kembali...
Dan Alhamdulillah setelah aktif aku keluar dari label spam.
Marhaban ya Ramadhan,mohon maaf lahir batin teman2.
Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa🙏🏼
Yuk teman.
Kita bersatu
XBorn ID
@xbornid.eth·12:18 24/02/2025
Apakah lu warga Konoha atau Indonesia?
Kalau lu orang Indonesia, yuk kita bareng-bareng...

Starter Pack "Farcaster Indonesia" ini dibuat buat ngumpulin pengguna Indonesia di Warpcast biar kita bisa bangun komunitas yang kuat. Dengan punya circle sendiri, kita bisa lebih gampang bantu pengguna baru buat ngerti cara main di Warpcast, sambil eksplor dunia Web3 bareng-bareng.

Di sini, lu bisa dapet info penting, ngobrol santai, dan nanya-nanya pakai bahasa yang lebih familiar, jadi nggak perlu bingung adaptasi. Kita pakai /xbteam buat jadi tempat kumpul, berbagi insight, dan kolaborasi dalam berbagai proyek Web3.

Kalau komunitasnya aktif dan saling support, kita bisa ngegas adopsi Web3 di Indonesia lebih cepet, buka lebih banyak peluang, dan bikin jaringan makin luas di ekosistem Farcaster.

Mau gabung? Cukup reply cast ini buat masuk ke Starter Pack ini 👇
A achievement starts from a small step. Enjoy every process until we forget the taste
Nothing is impossible in this world, what you want you can definitely get, as long as it is patient, effort, and sincerity in prayer ..

Maybe now I can only buy a bicycle, who knows someday I can buy a car later🏃🏼‍♀️
finally I came out of the spam label
This is my way of releasing fatigue in between jobs
Gen Z go onchain
More than 60% of crypto owners who responded said that they were interested in using crypto as a payment method to make online purchases more personal and safe
Love is about things, the small you do for each other.
Loves you and loved me is the most beautiful gift in my life❤️❤️
The Spongebob Movie
Sponge on the Run is a comedy film adventure of the America-American Computers/American Computers that will come based on the SpongeBob Squarepants television animation series. Directed by the former writer of the Hill team series, who wrote a scenario with Michael Kvamme, Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger, it was the first Spongebob Squarepants film that was entirely the animation in the style of style not an ordinary traditional 2D animation. And the plot followed the origin of how Spongebob met with Gary the snail, and the search for spongebob to save him after he was kidnapped
Hello /bart fam...
Good afternoon everyone
Huge Thank to My Top Tippers This Season! 🙏

@ayuhidayah 10 degen
@anitarohima 10 degen

Frame by @nikolaii.eth 🚀
view of the highway from the top of the cliff that is filled with fog
Gm friend /aitookaphoto ...
beautiful girl pensive alongside the beach
Hopefully our positive thinking for Degen is always true
Flo 🎩🔵🖖🏻
@flooooooo.eth·16:22 31/01/2025
Dear Bart fam, the hat will stay always on 🎩 I'm very sorry for what happened with degen, I just used 50% of my claim to create a round for the Bart family 🫶🏻https://rounds.wtf/bart/degen-1
Good afternoon..
Happy Friday, because this is the end of the weekday let's fill in the weekend on a way.
In order not to bother thinking about $degen ...
I'm not thinking about the problem of $degen/spam label, I just follow the rules of the main.
GooEnjoy the twilight on the edge of the beautiful mountains ..
good afternoon before night friends...
Good night friend...

enjoy the evening atmosphere at
Bandung hang gliding resort 360°...
when the lights are turned off.
what an amazing view...
happy long holiday friends.
Jumat terakhir di bulan Rajab...
always love, and always miss the atmosphere of the coast...

Good afternoon before evening
view of Jakarta city from the top of the building
starting from zero. I hope this year's mission is successful☺️
Doain ya kawan2☺️☺️
No matter how broken you are, you can always start and be better than before....

GM /art fam
ITAP looking at the night view of the peak together with the future
Everyone is like a butterfly, they start out ugly and clumsy and then turn into beautiful graceful butterflies that everyone loves
Stop asking how to find a good partner. Start being a good person and keep getting better. Then it will be found by itself♥️🫶🏼

Good morning friends.
May your life be filled with happiness
ITAP Milk tower
Busy today making milk tower orders
I ♥️ channel /live-the-same
because the owner is very friendly and humble.
Very happy to be a Chanel member
Betawi traditional Indonesian food
Sayur asem, chili sauce, fried tempeh
most delicious
Accidental photos become extraordinary art...
I just gave out a Rainbow Points boost — anybody who uses my frame can claim bonus points themselves and boost me too!
Good afternoon,
it's time for us to get back to work...
good work friend
Good afternoon all
relax, read a book accompanied by a glass of mineral water.
the very warm weather adds to the enthusiasm.
ITAP my outfit
early year holidays...
Good night all

This afternoon I left the house in 2024, when I returned home it was already 2025...
happy New Year family /photodegens
gA fam /⁠live-the-same

today is the last dance in 2024, my hope is that in the coming year I will become a much better person, hopefully our targets that were not achieved in 2024 will be achieved in 2025....
Thank you for letting me into this extraordinary Chanel, sir @hankmoody
happy new year 2025🎉🎉🎉
Good morning everyone ...
A sweet morning accompanied by a bitter cup of coffee.
happy holidays friends♥️
Home Alone
Movie · 1990
This is the film Home Alone which is most often played on television during the Christmas and New Year holidays. Until Christmas 2024, the film Home Alone will always be played.

Tells the story of Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin), an eight year old boy who is always teased by his older brothers.

The right person will find you. The right person will appreciate you for who you are and see the beauty in your flaws. They will support your dreams and support you in difficult times. The right person will make you feel valued, valued, and loved in ways you never imagined.

Until then, focus on being the best version of yourself and trust that when the time comes, love will come into your life easily and beautifully ❤️