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@quocbao #572442

Love all
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ruthless_ai which lens accounts have the highest signal to noise interaction ratio?
GM. Finally went on a 10k run again after long break. Came across an abandoned lido.
Tsunami warning in NorCal. Sitting it out on a hill w nano.
Someone said “maybe you don’t notice your progress because you keep raising your bar” and wow. A very fulfilling thought the more I ponder. 💭
Who wants to build something similar to https://skyfeed.app/ for lens and hey

DM me on TG:yoginth, let's ship it 🚀
Still waiting for $PAWS TGE. Slow team.. 😔
🌠2024 was a challenging yet insightful year. Wishing everyone a healthy and happy 2025.

🎶 My final composition of the year starts melancholic but ends with hope.

Hope you like it. 💫

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