

Memes, fun & complaints Collecting all Web3 complaints Mint and send your complaints to 6529complaints.eth https://www.6529complaints.xyz/the-complaint-cards

$DEGEN allowance is claimable now.

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$DEGEN allowance is claimable now.

Check your $DEGEN points and claim tokens:

$DEGEN allowance is claimable now.

Check your $DEGEN points and claim tokens:

Calling all MISO BLUE Complaint Card HODLers
priyanka 🦉
@priyanka·04:16 29/04/2024
if you own any of my editions, this includes all project collabs, then you're on the allowlist for Phase 2 tomorrow. check pinned in /priyanka for details.

i will drop the collection link in /priyanka when the drop is live. below is a sneak peek of the color palette "blueprint". 🤓 💙
One of the best
Skitchism 🐯🎩
@skitchism·21:31 06/04/2024
Gn Complainooor 🌜 🌛

Complaint Card i made last year for @6529complaints | /6529complaints
Complainnoorrr of the day
Lish 🎩🦄
@lishousesq4rz·22:38 02/04/2024
What is she talking about ?
priyanka 🦉
@priyanka·17:42 30/03/2024
it's complaints town in here this morning. everyone needs to practice a little bit of patience and gratitude today.
Dan Romero
@dwr.eth·21:05 22/03/2024
We reached the end of the internet, folks.
All Major Karen Pepe HODLers, you now have a chance to 'not complain' since @Ars0nic/@Ze_blocks are offering a chance for Karen HODLers to mint NonceStratum if selected. Their X post has the details.

@xcopy.eth We are ready for all the mutating complainnnooorrrsss.
A lot of complainnnooorrrsss joining base. Don't forget to welcome them.

Thanks to @jessepollak and @xcopy.eth OE
RegularComplaints Card #12: In search of the manager

Karen would always look for managers, even if she's lost in the middle of sea.

OG Meme Artist: @intrepid
RegularComplaint Card Artist: @regulardad

Edition Size- 200
Price- 0

Mint Link - https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/49856752

Have you made your profile on https://seize.io/ ?

Go ahead and create your profiles and drop them below so that Karen can REP you.
Complainnoorrss can complain about anything. That's a feature and not a bug.
@6529complaints·11:44 01/03/2024

Here you go @pichi
RegularComplaints Card #11 : ALL YOUR COPE

We are here for all the Complainnnooorrrsss who
1. Never Invested
2. Didn't BYFD
3. Didn't HODL

OG Meme artist- 6529er
Re-Meme artist- @blocknoob
Edition Size- 200
Price- 0️⃣

Mint - https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/44318960
Complaint Wisdom for the day

"Remember the day of network congestion to keep it slow; six days thou shalt transact, but the seventh is for the mempool to clear"
Complaint Wisdom of the day

"Thou shalt not manipulate the digital Eden with false valuations; for every artificial pump, the blockchain records an eternal slump."
Complainnnooorrrsss - Like the post below if you want to see Noggles or Nouns in RegularComplaints Cards
@6529complaints·06:46 23/02/2024
We have been minting RegularComplaints free of cost sometimes re-memeing Meme Cards, sometimes re-memeing Complaint cards. If we get the grant, we plan to use Noggles or Nouns in 10 RegularComplaint.

You can see the collection thus far on OS

Any complaints ?
Varun Srinivasan
@v·02:53 23/02/2024
New Experiment: Channel Pass

- Hosts can require a pass to cast in a channel
- Users must pay 100 warps for the pass
- A pass can be revoked if a user ignores the norms.

The goal is to reduce spam in popular channels. Read more: https://warpcast.notion.site/Channel-Pass-3c6c969b0cac4309a9346ddc2db767aa?pvs=4
Complaint Wisdom of the day

Thou shalt remember: Every 'Rug Pull' is just the universe's way of saying, 'It's time to weave your own tapestry.'
RegularComplaints Card #10 : No one is SAFE from Major Karen

Major Karen, her spouse and a Bull.
Pepe purchases Autoglyph set for 5000ETH, Rest is history.....

OG Meme artist- RailaiteR
Re-Meme artist- @blocknoob
Edition Size- 200
Price- 0️⃣

Mint - https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/42098928
Looks like our friends at /manifold fixed the issue

RegularComplaints Card #9 : SWIM TO MANAGER

Major Karen Pepe will represent all degens and complainnoorrss in the Metaverse

OG Meme artist- @cadmonkey
Re-Meme artist- @blocknoob
Edition Size- 200
Price- 0️⃣

Mint - https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/42944752
Can't share videos on Farcaster (Yes this is a complaint) - nGMi

Enjoy RegularComplaints Card #9 on X till then

RegularComplaints Card #9 : SWIM TO MANAGER

Major Karen Pepe will represent all degens and complainnoorrss in the Metaverse.

OG Meme artist - @cadmonkey
Re-Meme artist - @blocknoob
Edition Size - 200
Price- 0️⃣

Mint - https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/42944752
nGMi Complainnnooorrrss

Complaint Wisdom for today :

"Thou shalt not judge an NFT by its pixel count, but by the creativity and blockchain wizardry it brings to the digital realm."
nGMi Complainnnooorrrsss

It's Sunday. Don't forget to COMPLAIN today.
RegularComplaints Card #8: Pepe Love

Complainnnooorrrsss can Love too! Happy 2024 Valentine's Day

OG Meme Artist: Ars0nic (Both Karen & Sgt. Pepe)
RegularComplaint Card Artist: @blocknoob

Edition Size- 200
Price- 0

Mint Link - https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/43821296
nGMi Complainnnooorrrsss

Don't forget to complain today!
RegularComplaints Card #7: Do you even hear Complaints, bruh ?

6529 carries the burden of all complainnoorrss but does he listen ?

OG Meme Artist: Orkhan Isayev
RegularComplaint Card Artist: @regulardad

Edition Size- 200
Price- 0

Mint Link -
Ahem Ahem
@woj.eth·15:56 10/02/2024
I would like to place a complaint to the farcaster complaints department @dwr.eth @v @horsefacts.eth

I engaged with 0xsmallbrain games always in good faith, excited for an incredible crypto gaming ux and a FAT airdrop and instead all i get is more games

I ask that you subtract 1000 of his followers for this crime
Minted out
@6529complaints·18:07 09/02/2024
RegularComplaints Card #6: IX Commandments of NFT Complaints

6529 Complaints has built a charter for NFT complaints. This is a Re-pebbles of Pebbles #721

Pebbles Artists- ZeBlocks
RegularComplaint Card Artist: @blocknoob

Edition Size- 500
Price- 0

Mint Link : https://farcaster.manifold.xyz/frame/41222384
He meant - A new place to complain
@batsoupyum·16:03 07/02/2024
Look ma, I found a new place to shitpost 🤣🙌