best movies and TV shows


A place to share the best movies and TV shows you've watched.

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Kevin, my favourite act from The Office 🤣
Watching Axel F. I think I’m going to regret it.
Movies about nuclear bombs often show naive scientists suddenly regretting their work when they see its destructive power. This is unrealistic. Scientists understand projects’ impacts. The drama is artificial. Sudden realizations are exaggerated - if they happen, it’s too late.
Yo, I got introduced to the whole superhero universe with this flick, man. What a blast from the past! I was hyped as hell to see it.

Dang, it feels like ages since it was made.

Spider-Man 1
After watching those three, I used to hide in the closet for hours, hoping to enter the world of Narnia!

What a beautiful world my childhood was:)
1. Basque Heartbreak: Hope in Dark.
2. Quidditch: Power in Challenge.
3. Battle Dark: Unity, Hope.
4. "Deathly Dance": Fear to Fight.
5. Ron, Hermione Bond: Family in Trials.
6. Platform 9¾: Thrill, Reality.
7. Diagon Alley: Wonder, Magic.
8. Grimmauld Fear: New Beginning.

I lived this movies.❤️
"Oh my God, it really is one of the most memorable and best sequels in the world. Harry Potter series! I grew up with this film series and it shaped my life.😭 💓

The first time you saw Harry Potter, what did you feel?😍
We were a generation that had a sea of ​​great movies to immerse ourselves in and live with, but for years now, cinema hasn't been delivering good films anymore..

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 2001
The greatness of this series is beyond words. I believe it might be the only show where even if you try to explain it to someone, it won't spoil anything because neither you nor the person you're talking to truly grasps what you're saying until they watch it themselves.😂

The conclusion of this epic trilogy with "The Dark Knight Rises" brought excellent performances and an even greater story! Did you know that Nolan was offered a huge sum of money to continue this series, but he declined, ending this legendary trilogy right here?
"I lived through this movie, fell in love with its villain, and I still think about it. Damn you, Nolan, what did you make?"
"Oh man!
Who could dislike Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy and not include it in their list of best films? These three movies are so good that just having them here is enough:)