Welcome to our ZTalent July update newsletter!
ZAO July Updates!
Our Fractal Meeting Schedule has changed, be sure to check the new times!
We’re featuring an exclusive interview with the amazing AttaBotty, sharing his unique audiovisual art and electronic music storytelling.
Exciting news on our token launch and upcoming Snapshot proposals!
Join the ZAO community and start earning your governance tokens today! Click the link in our bio to earn your first 5 $ZRespect.
Read the whole newsletter here: https://paragraph.xyz/@ztalent/ztalent-july-2024-update
#ZAO #AttaBotty #TokenLaunch #SnapshotProposals #CommunityUpdate #JoinUs #ZRespect #GovernanceTokens
ZAO July Updates!
Our Fractal Meeting Schedule has changed, be sure to check the new times!
We’re featuring an exclusive interview with the amazing AttaBotty, sharing his unique audiovisual art and electronic music storytelling.
Exciting news on our token launch and upcoming Snapshot proposals!
Join the ZAO community and start earning your governance tokens today! Click the link in our bio to earn your first 5 $ZRespect.
Read the whole newsletter here: https://paragraph.xyz/@ztalent/ztalent-july-2024-update
#ZAO #AttaBotty #TokenLaunch #SnapshotProposals #CommunityUpdate #JoinUs #ZRespect #GovernanceTokens
What would be achieved by a DAO in 2024?
Testing channels. Let’s DAO talk.