

Highlight, discuss, and collaborate on great ideas

a fun thing to do is to cast a warpcast url with your username and a random hash

kind of like a content slot machine or stumble upon

maybe there's an @atlas feature in here?
I created a 2D map of farcaster users here:
It was cool to build but I have no idea how to make it useful 🤯
Calling for ideas and feedback here 🙏
Canny like bookmarking solution to gather feedback/ideas on Farcaster 🤔
@sinaver.eth·20:04 10/06/2024
I don't think it's something Bountycaster should facilitate, imo :)

Thought of a separate bookmarking solution 🫡

I use Warpcast one for all cast I need to come back, but for feedback, ideas want to have separate tags, I can review at once!

Also, maybe frame can suggest 4 tags you wanna bookmark on cast action :)
Bot or Not should expand by creating Shill or Not
Imagine direct casting someone and the messages are automatically translated to a language of your choice
You could speak with native speaking Japanese, Korean, Russian or any other language using your preferred language such as English
A bot you can mention with an idea

It will save it and respond with a frame you can opt into waiting list or share it

Maybe also pitch in funds to incentivize the original poster to build it or fund a bounty on /bounties
@payflow has a concept of contribution jar, but having a dedicated app for raising with $degen would be awesome 💯
interesting idea 🤔
Farcaster native onchain gaming guild for a grab 👇🏻
I would use it, don't have time to apply for real 😅
if you have a question to developers, simply create a bounty via @bountycaster, and tag the team)

It helped me and @moritz as well 💡
moritz 💧🔑
@moritz·17:06 14/02/2024
update: @m0nt0y4 reached out almost immediately after I posted this and looks like the MM team is actively working on L2 ENS resolution

will cancel the bounty for now, but really cool to see @bountycaster give visibility to such issues

thanks again for the idea @sinaver.eth - will do this more often going forward!
Has anyone really? 💹👀
Bounty auction will be fun 🎩
Introduce and get rewarded 🫂💰
Farcaster bi-weekly dev calls idea 👀
I like this the idea that a user can configure list of tokens to accept, then it's swapped and deposited to his wallet in another token
"A mashup of Retro PGF and slicing pie equity split idea" 👇
prediction markets with your friends 👇🏻
Idea on how to solve farcaster sign in composability when your social graph is on different wallet 🤔💡