

talk about life

Reframed in a different language: follow the breadcrumbs laid by the universe
less labeling experience as good and bad
I've learned to generally decouple the message from the messenger long back (high school?) and the alpha in this cannot be overstated

Sometimes unsuccessfully but always make the effort to

Sometimes the messenger IS important context to the message so you have to know when this is the case too
life is hard
hard can be fun
life is fun
a modern mind needs context, it needs others
what helps you feel aliveness?
laughter is the easiest way to let go of seriousness.

seriousness can lead to tension.

tension leads to suffering.

if you can learn to laugh at anything, then it's very hard to suffer.
It's so crazy that we tie ourselves up into knots

Stay open
the coolest thing you can do is be here now, everything else is props and games
Every day the dust comes back. Every day we must sweep.
Where you should put your attention will be the single most important skill going forward

It's not clear to me that the usual answers offered, which are also one-dimensional, are right
if you’re too anxious it is hard to just do things
i love my little apartment. one day it won’t be mine anymore. and then this place will become a story
this is the nostalgia part
My weakness is listicles where people share life lessons. “24 lessons i learned from 2024”…. inject it into my veins
I'm deep in this life

(rn and hopefully going forward)
Life is about flow and structure.

Structure and flow.
Been thinking about life....
gf and I are doing Scuba open water certification part 2 this weekend. one thing i love about PADI is it’s a very supportive and safety first program, in contrast to so much of the shark-like attitude promulgated in my social media experience.

The vibe is that almost anyone can learn this (29M people already certified), and if you’re not feeling safe slow down, or stop and cancel the dive. We do as much as the least comfortable person can handle, and we repeat tests as many times as necessary for the student to get it right. It feels like military skill coursework but friendly not competitive or Spartan.