

onchain events and events onchain, obviously

jesse.base.eth 🔵
@jessepollak·20:01 04/03/2024
FYI: @coinbase and @base have done a bunch of consumer research and "onchain" outperforms every other word that people use for crypto

if you're using blockchain, web3, crypto, etc, find a way to switch to onchain and you will be more successful
Stable Summit had these neat prints and you could scan a QR code on the back to add a trait to your NFT ticket. Pretty slick @blocklive
party action people
@partyactionppl·19:50 23/02/2024
the unStable Summit: RWAs and Stablecoins in Denver features:

1. NFT tickets powered by @blocklive
2. NFT Ticket Traits powered by Frames (IRL Frames 👀)
3. NFT Radio powered by The Herd Studio
4. Livestream powered by @streameth

blend real life experiences with the on-chain environment. if we won’t, no one will.