

Open channel, about anything that can push the farcaster ecosystem to be more open and transparent, growth doesn't matter if single parties have too much control, growth and hype here is second to transparency and decentralization.

Made simple API(mostly for me) with stats about channels, cached at 1 hour.
Eg return:
"totalChannels": 13844,
"totalUSDChannelPrice": 346100,
"avgFollowers": 737.0605316382548,
"avgMembers": 13.347876336318983,
"totalFollowers": 10203866,
"totalMembers": 184788,
"avgMembersPerFollower": 0.01810960669220862,
"top10ChannelsByFollowers": [
"base - Base - [407437]",
"memes - Memes - [370373]",
"farcaster - Farcaster - [339363]",
"top10ChannelsByMembers": [
"replyguys - reply guys - [2267]",
"art - Art - [2257]",
"itookaphoto - I Took a Photo! - [1754]",
"wearesoearly - we are so early - [1480]",
"avgModerators": 1.1475729557931234,
"channelCreationGrowth": {
"daily": 7,
"weekly": 111,
"monthly": 327
"channelsCreatedByMonth": {
"1": 469,
"2": 3828,
"3": 1616,
"4": 2884,
"5": 1755,
"6": 1147,
"7": 613,
"8": 383,
"9": 286,
"10": 189
Want to be able to verify farcaster frames with /airstack inside web workers and serverless functions?

You can use this pkg I made: https://www.npmjs.com/package/airstack-frame-verify-web-light is ~7kb vs SDK which is ~5MB. Is perfect for constrained environments.

The issue is that Warpcast does not use real deep links instead it uses web links ( those that are tied to the Warpcast domain).

As such you can't capture the link on mobile without some root-level permissions which 99.9% of people won't have.

This is an issue of centralization these links should have been something like farcaster:// or fc:// to enable multiple apps to respond to them, and not have them tied to a web2 domain.