

자유게시판 Everyone is welcome to come together here to share freely. Feel free to participate by offering information, experiences, ideas, and support.

I just won 0 $CLANKER from Warpslot. Spin for free today!
동네형이 하는 집인데 맛잇음
Check your followers stats. Frame v2 by @compez.eth From Effort to Achievement – $GENY Helps You Share Your Path! 🌟

햄과 햄버거타임요~~!!^^

I'm a Speculator-Pragmatist (3.0, 3.0) on the Onchain Alignment Chart! Check out your position:
뭐 나중에 까봐야 알겠지만

일단 1000만 TPS ㄷㄷ / 400ms

$KTA dyor
묻지마 따라하기
Joining the waitlist for @intori 👀
Check your $DEGEN Stats.
Frame by @nikolaii.eth 🚀
Joining the waitlist for @intori 👀
일단 따라해봄
I have a principle of touching everything. 😆

Joining the waitlist for @intori 👀
Check out the HONK leaderboard! 🏆 Currently led by @luckyninja.eth with 253 HONKs! 🪿
give the best local brand in our hometown and get raindrops from @bfg

maybe this will add a little knowledge about local brands in other cities/countries
X 의 Grok 이 만든 코인이라고?
100만개만 가져가봄..
이런정보를 빨리 알수있으면 어느정도 성공할듯한데...음~

햄과 햄버거타임요~~!!^^
