Slowcore HQ


"Move slow and preserve things." (h/t Tom Beck)

No better place to put this than the Slow Core HQ!

Moving slow, disconnecting from tech, and valuing real experiences is exactly what makes life worth living!
We (the admins) appreciate the outpouring of kind words about our work. We'll miss the /slowcore-hq channel too, but although it's going dark for an extended hibernation, it isn't dead!

If we ever find a way to make the channel economically sustainable long-term, we'd love to:

- develop a Slothy Awards initiative
- continue weekly rituals of "not-doing"
- revise and (slowly) propagate our Slowcore Manifesto
- write discussion prompts on themes from "In Praise of Going Slow" by @tombeck.eth

In the meantime we encourage our fellow sloth people and allies to create other human-centered slowcore-friendly social spaces on Farcaster. 🐌 🐢

Check out /slow-co-lab and follow @slowcrypto too.
We (admins @thecurioushermit and I) are putting the /slowcore-hq channel into extended hibernation.

We haven't lost interest in the FC-seeded slowcore movement. To the contrary: we think it’s much-needed!

However, the Farconomy doesn't have economic models to sustainably fund ongoing maintenance efforts for channels.

Some projects have made inroads in the right direction. But without realistic prospects of adequate compensation to cover basic costs for responsible channel stewardship, we'll struggle with moderator attrition and burnout. (We apologize for the backlog of pending membership requests).

The channel deserves better.

It doesn’t seem fair or responsible to ask others to take over the channel under these conditions either, since channels are not a priority for WC.

Maybe one day we’ll get a chance to turn /slowcore-hq into a sustainable cozy corner.

For now, thanks for your camaraderie, fellow sloth people. We appreciate you.

Keep moving slow and preserving things. 🐢 🐌
🔆 Need to take more pics of sunrise/sunsets next week! 🌅

I prefer the sunrise but need to plan properly to get up in time for it

It helps a lot with my research, being awake at that time, with the quiet
Slowcore HQ Friday Ritual (scheduled cast)

What did you "not-do" this week?

Not-doing covers "preserving things" as well as "moving slow," so feel free to interpret the question creatively.
We do this by each doing our part, moving at the speed we move, staying true to the values that brought us to this ecosystem.

Worth a shot, anyway!
Slowcore Quote of the Day

"What is leisure? To most of us leisure is a pejorative term. It sounds like wasting time. [...]

"The real meaning of leisure has to do with a near-mystical experience where time stops and you feel connected to life, expanded by life, transformed by life. [...]

"'s important that we differentiate between leisure activities and escapism. Escape activities get our minds off our problems, but they do nothing to deepen our ideas or our experiences. We may need to have some escape activities, but not at the expense of leisure."

~ Cecile Andrews, "Slow is Beautiful" (2006), pp. 140-142
Curtesy of the mushroom man himself, @jeffemmett
A vision statement from The World Institute of Slowness:

"A new way of thinking about time. Our aim is to slow the world down to create healthier, happier and more productive people."

I like the emphasis on shifting our thinking about time, but I also find it curious that even a slowcore movement cites "productivity" as part of its vision.
Fellow sloth people of /slowcore-hq, let's give @tricil.eth some encouragement during his week off.

If we're ever to have slowcore-friendly social media, we need to find ways to make provisions for people to fade into the background for awhile without penalizing them.
Josef Pieper "Leisure, the Basis of Culture"

It appears very slow-aligned to re-educate people that leisure actually is virtuous and we shouldn't just see it as the "opposite of work".

Only those who go slow and take time will hear.
Unironically what we've long been hoping for at /slowcore-hq.

If there's anyone actually building it, we'd love to talk.
"My current project is the product of 10 months of rumination and about 3 weeks of intermittent execution..." ~ @vinayvasanji.eth
Slowcore Quote of the Day

"One might say there is an 'ethics barrier,' a speed above which ethics can no longer exist. After that point, the only remaining goal is to survive the immediate moment... Ethicality requires unhurried thinking."

~ Pekka Himanen, from The Hacker Ethic (2001), pp. 131-132
Slowcore Quote of the Day

"Insofar as external recognition feels like a tailwind, it is to the same degree a straight-jacket. As soon as thinking aloud becomes dopaminergic, thinking aloud starts optimizing for dopamine. The mind can hardly do otherwise; it is an unconscious dynamic that is, to a certain degree, irreducible. Once thinking starts optimizing for dopamine, it starts optimizing for positive social feedback, which means it enters the gravity well of popular opinion, which guarantees a long-term endpoint other than objective truth... falling too far into this gravity well is nothing short of doom, for it takes away the only edge that honest and patient thinkers have ever enjoyed: that Truth is always unpopular and difficult, but therefore scarce and hard to fake."

~ Justin Murphy, "The Time to Withdraw"
Today's tasks:

↪ I'll be going through my @alfafrens staking + SEH FT data 🫡

This rly helps me see where I'm at with everything each week, and I enjoy checking in with everyone 👀

↪ I'm going to schedule some more casts today for the next week with @recaster-fc

Can't tell u how much this has been helping me!

- Then when I log on I can see what I've already cast, and add some more insights in diff channels
Something I want to try more this year is building in the open but with my working practices

I implemented a lot of different ways to work last year, and want to try and share more of this for 2025

It's what works specifically for me, and I'm trying to tweak a bit and improve a bit as the weeks pass

Something switched over the last years, breaking out of trying to do it the same way as everyone else rly doesn't work!
Actually got this in print. I love reading essays the old school way.

Also feels like I remember them and their contents significantly better than stuff I just read online.
I think slowcore people will enjoy Han's essay: "Scent of Time."
In the /slowcore-hq we've often talked about wanting a community-owned, slowcore-friendly place on Farcaster for deep-dive discussions.

Mike Natanzon of /impact and @impactfund is considering launching a "forum-like extension to FC in Impact App that can serve as a platform for long-form discussions - especially discussions about public goods (and then reward impactful contributions to the discussion."

Sounds promising. It's still in the ideation phase, but I respect Mike's vision and have followed his work with interest for awhile, so I'll be keeping a close eye on this.
Slowcore Quote of the Day

"Sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is wait and let an idea reveal what it wants to be." [...]

"The biggest evolution in my creative practice came from an unexpected place: learning to hold onto ideas longer instead of rushing to share them."

"This goes against everything the internet teaches us. "Ship early, ship often." "Build in public." "Find the others." Good advice, mostly. But publish too soon and the energy can dissipate before you know what’s actually there. Publishing can create a premature climax that marks a project as finished before it really begins."

"This year I developed new respect for the slow burn."

~ Yancey Strickler