
@trigs #190108

Building Collaboration with /Nearchos
844 Follower 327 Following
No better place to put this than the Slow Core HQ!

Moving slow, disconnecting from tech, and valuing real experiences is exactly what makes life worth living!
It's unsurprising and exciting to see common threads of focus shifting towards the systems that enable people to become high quality contributors.

Being systematic about addressing the practical needs of normal users will go a long way towards getting high quality results!


Danica Swanson
@danicaswanson·16:08 09/03/2025
I wrote about why I think system conditions matter more than individual performance in producing quality writing, and why CLPs (conversational liquidity providers) on FC are underserved.

Inspired by "Quality is Systemic," a great blog post by Jacob Kaplan-Moss, and by the members of the Return On Attention group chat.

Justin Hunter
@polluterofminds·2 days ago
Bro just wrote a best seller and then gave it away for free.

Here's the only "web3 partnerships handbook" you'll need to succeed in today's world.
Ξ2T 🏰
@earth2travis·2 days ago
Added some Partnerships Best Practices from the show notes in the thread below
These are the important questions to ask about incentive mechanisms.

I wrote about ways to better monetize user behavior in more web3 value-aligned ways in my article about the attention economy.

I feel like we're getting close with the way this airdrop model is being described.

I labeled it advertisers in the image, but the concept applies to devs and brands as a whole:

Users generate valuable data. They can opt in to monetize that data and receive airdrops that are highly targeted to their specific interests and needs. Users and brands that behave in non-aligned ways lose out on value capture.

I think there's a few things missing still (privacy), but it's an interesting iterative step forward.

↑ j4ck 🥶 icebreaker.xyz ↑
@j4ck.eth·3 days ago
with the new airdrop meta approaching ...

will farcaster become similar to the axie farms of 2021?

thousands of people who can make a better income doing random FC dev quests than their regular work in their location

it'll be interesting to see how this all comes together
I feel like crypto wallets and passkeys and identity management all merging is the UX unlock we need to make the next step forward as a digital society.

Shazow is totally correct in my view: they are all in the same overlap of security and usability needs.
@shazow.eth·3 days ago
In a world where crypto is not a dirty word, I would have expected password managers to meld with crypto wallets, and identity management in general.

Fairly similar security models, lots of overlap in requirements and common features.

But alas that's not our world anytime soon.
Very interested in checking out @alvesjtiago.eth's @fiids alt client.

Multiple customizable feeds? ☑️
View feed as someone else? ☑️
Add/Remove channels to a single feed? ☑️
Custom search filters? ☑️
Custom Onchain notifs? ☑️
RSS feeds?! ☑️

This is worth a Pro sub trial.

Shameless referral:
The purple app is good for positivity!

Good people, good ideas, good vibes!
@stellaachenbach·6 days ago
I love the @ethereum ecosystem! Are there things we can do better: sure, always! But especially after @ethereumdenver I have to say there are so many good people building in this ecosystem!

Thank you all for being here and doing your best!
There are some hidden gems out here in Farcaster land if you know where to look!

Looking forward to this one!
Christina BorrowLucid | Chones
@borrowlucid.eth·6 days ago
talk tomorrow 🫶
This photo popping up on my memories today was timely after yesterday's post about creating green spaces.

Another green space I made at my previous house!

Gardens are great, and I love growing food! But sometimes you just need a soft green space to relax and let the doggies cool off!
How do you incentivize quality content creation if rewarding a metric makes the metric the target?

Brings me back to @danicaswanson's thoughts on systemic quality. Throwing money at the problem doesn't scale, so what's next? What systems are necessary to support content creation (assuming all of this is in service of creating sustainable funding)?

- cozy corners: while there may be a range of sizes, most corners only stay cozy if they maintain some form of exclusive characteristic, even if just a self-selecting one

- on/offboarding: the more easily ppl can come and go and stay caught up with the meta, the more engaged they can be

- community knowledge & reputation: in order for members to maintain a sense of individual value in a growing community there needs to be residual community knowledge that stays surfaced about contributions, as well as persistent reputation about accomplishments within the community

Danica Swanson
@danicaswanson·16:08 09/03/2025
I wrote about why I think system conditions matter more than individual performance in producing quality writing, and why CLPs (conversational liquidity providers) on FC are underserved.

Inspired by "Quality is Systemic," a great blog post by Jacob Kaplan-Moss, and by the members of the Return On Attention group chat.

What other projects are pushing the boundaries of channels besides @cura and @farcastlexyz ??
Anyone have other examples of good social graph bootstrap strategies to compare?
@trigs·6 days ago
I have grown to respect the strategy of the merkle team so far:

- killer core UX
- wrangle spam and create a qdau culture
- monetize qdau behavior and start onboarding quality content creators
- onboard top talent from ecosystem

This has been the most effective bootstrap of a general purpose social graph I've seen since web2 entrenchment.
Been thinking about this and I think this is where Warpcast shines. It still has good community vibes. So many new ppl have been commenting on the warm welcomes and the positive attitudes.

We still have builder vibes!

I have two ruminations on this:

1. I bet when ppl "check back in" during these little windows, those vibes will leave an impression. The kind of vibes where the people building the very app we're using are engaging with live feedback, right in the feed. When they go back to their stale, lifeless algorithm fed rage bait circle jerk, they'll miss those builder vibes.

2. Cozy corners and builder vibes only scale if we grow horizontally as well as vertically. Communities have to grow wider, and start to create corners of their own, before the general common area gets overrun with traffic that crushes the space with noise.

The scaling problem is a ways out, but the sooner we start iterating, the faster we will build retention.
Dan Romero
@dwr.eth·6 days ago
D30 is what matters. So don’t get too optimistic. :)
The most clear answer that all us sphincter clenchers needed to resolve this fomo:

- if you're gonna spend the warps in like 1-2 weeks, ok maybe keep them.

- you can just buy them back whenever you need them. Nothing to gain holding them.

So, spend em or cash them out. It's that simple folks. (Why did we make it so hard on ourselves? 🤣)
Varun Srinivasan
@v·6 days ago
Should I cash out my warps?

Do you need to buy a channel or invite in the next week or two? Don't cash out.

Otherwise, cash out. You can always use the USDC to buy warps later when you need them.
Rate my setup
@luc·6 days ago
rate my setup
This kind of user testing and feedback is what makes building in public so powerful.

Web2 companies pay out the ass for this kind of data.

Now we just need the service that issues permanent, sovereign reputation for everyone who contributes value in this medium!
Absolutely the model I subscribe to:

Nich use case definition for potential Blockchain application that:

- Users want b/c they solve real problems
- Users would pay for b/c they provide real value
- People are excited about b/c they push the space forward

By defining these use cases we create new narrative potential for people to organically get behind and start building towards without strict control over who has economic access to experimentation.

Unleash creativity!

Follow the thread for more examples.
One thing about dogs is that they understand the importance of a good butt scratch for your daily mental health management.

Do everyone a favor and go (consensually) scratch a dog-butt today!
Warpcast home feed is completely cooked right now w/ X down.
"the next big unlocks will likely come from folks who have not yet discovered blockchain, particularly as we enter the era of apps, composability & creativity"

Ppl keep forgetting that we're only building the primitives and protocols that *enable* the experimentation that will unlock the future of tech.

We're not building the future directly. Nobody in this space has a clue what ppl actually want. We just know we need to build things that enable ppl to create their own future without selling themselves to centralized overlords.
Going fast is only fun when the crash doesn't kill you.

Any experienced car builder will tell you: upgrade the brakes before you upgrade the engine.
Touching grass is recommended by 10/10 dogs.

Regular dog sponsored PSA to get out there and find your green spaces!
@trigs·17:35 09/03/2025
Seeing lots of ppl talking about green spaces and touching grass today...

Spent the last year cultivating my own slice of heaven with this grassy green space right out my back door!

Lots of work to do still, but at least have a nice little section to enjoy some escape!
Can I quote cast my own green space? 🤣
@trigs·17:35 09/03/2025
Seeing lots of ppl talking about green spaces and touching grass today...

Spent the last year cultivating my own slice of heaven with this grassy green space right out my back door!

Lots of work to do still, but at least have a nice little section to enjoy some escape!
Seeing lots of ppl talking about green spaces and touching grass today...

Spent the last year cultivating my own slice of heaven with this grassy green space right out my back door!

Lots of work to do still, but at least have a nice little section to enjoy some escape!
Learning curve is high when self custodying your own social graph.

If you aren't personally archiving your history, your casts don't stick around!
@scottrepreneur.eth·17:22 09/03/2025
Casts are expired at the year regardless of storage. Storage is still only good for the year applied. There are deeper archives out there however.