SubWork - coworking in nature


Coworking in Julian Alps, located at Bled, Slovenia | Hosted over 250 nomads | SubworkBled.twitter

We had a second batch of photo shooting in /subwork

You will notice some improvements happened since the last session 😎
Farcaster BBQ boat in Ljubljana after /ethcc anyone?
yangwao ↑
@yangwao·18:22 01/07/2024
Who would be up for next Farcaster BBQ boat in Ljubljana after /ethcc ?
I'm thinking about week after CC, range 16-21/7
We've tapped in Julian Alps with SubWork in 4/22 to demonstrate possibility of long-term pop-up community to exists wrapped around aligned values, middle of nowhere.

After two years, we would like to celebrate significant milestone as culmination of hosting over 200 high quality inviduals.

We are toying with idea setting up 2-4 week long Zuzalu themed pop-up village in magical Julian Alps. Among expected tracks we are looking to have emphasis on Longevity, Hard & Deep Tech and Network States.

What do you think, would you come?
Thanks to @ethswarm team for finishing their Swarm Summit week long tour in /slovenia at /subwork 🙌

Special lightning talk by @poppyseed
Whenever you're on travels and you want to stretch your muscles, you can find basic gym equipment in /subwork
FIY, we will have rolling Friday and Saturday hustle days at /subwork and for first 20 I'm covering transportation costs if you pool drive
yangwao ↑
@yangwao·15:43 09/05/2024
Thanks to all who came yesterday to Farcaster Ljubljana. Especially people coming from Trieste and Napoli 👌

Next Farcaster Ljubljana will be 19/6 - during Swarm Summit.
This time with sunny rooftop.

See you at /subwork hustling till then -

📸 @mandark
Birds are telling me that SubWork would be packed this summer.

2 years of grind and organic growth showing up.
I'm looking forward to host more team retreats at wholesome nature.

For this summer we have lined up few team retreats and still have last slots open!

If you know someone, please let me know!
Daily magical ✨ conversations at /subwork breakfast about shorting or longing various memecoins.
If you're in /slovenia on 8th of May, stop by on our meetup co-organized with Ethereum Ljubljana.

Share with friends too!
yangwao ↑
@yangwao·12:21 25/04/2024
those of you are in Ljubljana on 8th of May, we are doing meetup with fantastic help of Ethereum Ljubljana about Farcaster.
After Bled & Tallinn, Ljubljana is next!
There will be raffle giveaway, surprise and you are invited!
Would you believe me it was 30C two days ago here?
A co-work space without a co-work dog is not truly a co-work space.
gm grinders

what kind of speciality coffee we are drinking today?

Piedra Azul Guatemala
Roasters - LOT
Barista @vikiival
We held our first Farcaster meetup in /slovenia with 15 people, which had amazing family vibe!

Post proof of attendance and I will add you to the local group chat for future coordination for the next meetup in Ljubljana.
Can you imagine co-working without speciality coffee gear?
Hard, right.

If you like decaf, halfcaf, Columbia or Ethiopia, we've got tooling for that.

/slovenia successful kickstarter project Gina and Arco coffee Grinder by Goat Story.

Now you can be sure to bring any kind of bean bags and make coffee.
I am delighted we are hosting the inaugural Farcaster meetup in Slovenia at /subwork.

It will be a warm, family-style brunch gathering to discuss the projects people are working on. I am brimming with enthusiasm to meet the renowned builders from Slovenia.
gm from Bled.
It's good to be back home at the lake.
Join the 1st Farcaster meetup in Slovenia on Apr 13 at /subwork in Bled!
🇸🇮 Slovenia as a blockchain pioneer (Bitstamp was founded in 2011), Slovenia is the perfect place to explore Farcaster's potential. Connect with the community, exchange ideas, & be part of the decentralized future.
We will be having our first Farcaster Slovenia meetup on April 13th at 11 a.m. in /subwork as a family brunch.

Please share it with your friends to spread awareness.
Once we get over 10 votes, I will make the official event on FC.
After a few weeks, the book is here and the content is well condensed 👌

Thank you Patri for the recommendation.
Slovenia tourism is on the rise.
2023 was Slovenian tourism's most successful year to date.
Slovenia recorded 16.13 million overnight stays.

This is where I'm casting from.
yangwao ↑
@yangwao·15:31 23/03/2024
Over the summer, we are scaling from a 5k village to the average European capital, IYKYK. 2023 was slightly above 0.5M I've overheard.

Tourism statistics for Bled Municipality

Statistical overview of important indicators in tourism in Bled is presented in order to serve as a basis for the preparation of...
My biggest achievement is topping up my endurance over a long period of time.
It's more of a mental thing than physical.

Without magical /subwork environment, it wouldn't be possible for me.
yangwao ↑
@yangwao·09:11 21/03/2024
Easiest part of working out.
Posting numbers.
The same goes with investing.
In our unique location, we will make coworking access more autonomous by integrating onchain pass.

Future entry will be as simple as purchasing an NFT, allowing web3 wallet holders to gain access based on their coworker pass.
This ensures entry is granted directly through onchain verification of your wallet address.
Chads are asking us if there is a gym nearby /subwork

Indeed, there are three gyms, and they are often crowded.

That's why we've created a small micro-gym with basic weights and multipurpose bench

Staging took 10 minutes.
For nine minutes, we tried to calm Berry down, the highly energetic Australian Shepherd dog
In case anyone questions our alignment /eff-acc with the future in /subwork
People asking me what is the best time to come.

The peak season for hotels in Bled, Slovenia, is during the summer months, particularly in July and August. This is when the largest number of tourists visit Bled, drawn by the warm weather and the picturesque setting of the lake and the Julian Alps.
I will progressively share snapshots of life and work at SubWork, where we've welcomed over 150 individuals last season.
They came to experience the breathtaking natural surroundings and to collaborate in a space where nature is just a step away.

Please stay in the loop by following our /subwork channel.
Brief story of SubWork
Back in 2021, I moved to Slovenia. I picked a beautiful spot, Bled. I found it has more sunny hours than my previous location, nearly 2500 per year. As I've been around for one winter season, I've found a potential coworking space. It's quite surprising in a 2,000-village.