

Discuss and show your SwiftUI work. Swift talk is definitely welcome!

Big gotcha for .confirmationDialog on iPads + SwiftUI

If you are using this for both iPhone and iPads, you need to make sure the confirmation dialog is on the button or view that triggers the dialog.

A common mistake is to add it to the parent view.

More info here:
supabase's swift SDK is insanely easy to use. You can probably make a swiftUI app with functioning database and API endpoints in a couple hours **without** AI. less if you're cracked
Building a demo app with these capabilities around Moxie for iOS
I had one of those days where I had to fight with Xcode. I have a custom Swift Package that I'd like to keep in sync with Git and my project.

The problem was the Swift Package had to be created AND added to a newly created workspace. This will allow Git to pick up the changes from both, the project and package

Steps to avoid this issue:

1. Create project
2. Create workspace and add the above project to the newly created workspace
3. Close the project
4. Open the workspace
5. Create a new Package
6. VERY IMPORTANT. Make sure create git repository is off, add to workspace and group in workspace
7. Done. Git will pick up all your changes from the package and project
This week I upgraded one of my SwiftUI portfolio projects, which uses "The Composable Architecture"

The project came up as a take home exercise and I eventually used it as a template or reference when building with TCA

For my next Farcaster iOS project, I'll be using this as its now officially in a stable release

Familiar with SwiftUI?

You might be using MVVM, but when your app gets too big, it may reach a point where scaling up becomes difficult

The Composable Architecture is a library that simplifies building iOS apps

Check out this great tutorial to get started

What was your best dev take home exercise?

For me, it was building a simple finance app back in 2021 for an interview. I got a job offer but ended up moving to a project that 3 months later, would turn into a React Native project.

There was no time limit for the assessment, but there were clear requirements

I used SwiftUI, Swift Package Manager and TCA (The Composable Architecture), which helps you manage features, dependencies and tests much better.

The repo hasn't been updated in 2 years, but it's one of the take home exercises that I enjoyed the most

Since Monday, I started learning more about Next.js

Wondering if this `error.tsx` technique could be applied with SwiftUI?

The idea is that you create an `error.tsx` file for every section, with Next.js, which helps with presenting granular errors when needed, without affecting the entire app.

Quick error screen implementation in iOS, would be via alerts, as they tell the user if something went wrong with their request. But your code will end up having lots of `.alert` on every view. Not necessarily a bad thing, but maintenance could be troublesome, specially when working with a bigger team.

If we were to create a new `ErrorScreen.swift` file, for every feature, it would lead to lots of files being created. This is not a problem as the error file is decoupled from the actual implementation. This would mean an increase in requirements for the designer(s) too, as they will need to provide an error screen for each feature.

decided to fire up Xcode and in 1-2 hrs managed to rebuild my watchOS app from the ground up

TabView is my new favourite way to display stuff on watchOS
some good stuff there; i love seeing Swift evolve over years, it's such a solid language
It's SO exciting to see the new exciting features being released in SwiftUI at WWDC2024

Lots of features around Widgets and easy integrations with the Apple Watch

Giving me lots of ideas to work on a native app for FC
Important updates to App Store privacy rules. Hat tip @blendude. https://youtu.be/T6IvImk66m8
Of course even Apple's newest platform, xrOS, isn't entirely free of UIKit somewhere, somehow, as shown by the one and only maker of Apollo Reddit client, Christian Selig. https://christianselig.com/2024/03/recreating-visionos-search-bar/
What are things UIKit can do that SwiftUI cannot?
Starting a new project completely in swiftUI.

going to be running codellama on a separate machine as a copilot to see how well it does with swift overall...
This looks dope. I need to get into Metal shaders in SwiftUI. https://x.com/dejager/status/1756555728800928101?s=20
Last year I decided to follow my own advice and do away with flat design for good in my work. Here's a chunky boy button for you to enjoy, built entirely in SwiftUI.

There's visual AND haptic feedback every time you tap it.