matt 💭

@matthewmorek #4991

✳︎ design engineer → @ponder ✳︎ explorer of humanism • petrolhead/gearhead ✳︎ React/SwiftUI ✳︎ bento.me/matthew
1752 Follower 167 Following
gotta love the level of mental gymnastics these people try to pull off to avoid any sense of embracing the reality and a simple fact that choices have consequences
Quote cast but change what the skeleton is holding

I/ \
/_ \_
this guy just described the most capitalist tool of all, “capital injection”, like a startup taking vc money to grow, and then claimed “it’s been socialism all along” when it succeeds

dude, that’s called a “trade agreement”, not a “subsidy”

can’t make this shit up

working at a pre-PMF startup requires a change in perspective when it comes to quality. you can't afford to ship everything 95% polished, because you can't afford to invest that much effort in ideas which are likely to flop

ship as much quality as it's possible, but not much more

until you find PMF. then go WILD
"so.. you're saying that... [something taken out of context and blown out of proportion]" has got to be the biggest fucking cope when trying to argue with someone, indicative of bad faith approach to a conversation

dude, you didn't even try to understand or listen
this is how California has sent me off vs how Europe has greeted me back

almost as if I was traveling towards a perpetual state of depression… 🫠
using Plexamp instead of Spotify made me explore more of my music library than ever before and rediscover true gems along the way

talk about falling in love with music again and again to a point, where I started having dedicated listening sessions

feels like i stumbled upon an old friend
the market naturally solves real world problems. just need to give it time and kick out the socialists
Right, so let’s get this straight: Alfred Coffee in Marina Del Rey is a missed opportunity for an excellent coffee spot.

Overpriced flat white that doesn’t compare to say, Alana’s Coffee in Mar Vista.
Looking for things to do today in Marina Del Rey, any tips? Got several hours to kill.

cc: @ted
OpenNext exists because no one at CloudFlare or SST seem to understand (or want to acknowledge), that Next.js deployed outside of Vercel is a dynamic Node.js app and not a static site with interactive bits.

Naturally, you can't just upload it to an S3 bucket and call it a day.

Maybe they should just switch to Astro?
Turns out Ponder team can actually sling a ton to prod between meetings, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 🙌
farcon was great, but fc dev day (devcon?) was way more wholesome. love to see so many great projects, such as @unofficial, providing a unique take on social. can't wait to try it! (wink-wink: @heavygweit & @christopher)
📣 It's Next.js Conf soon, so it's about time to ask this pretty important question. Top 5 answers get a slice of OP pool!
Despite me loving coffee, I might go back to decaf. Between pre-workouts and lunch time brew, I sense it’s starting to affect my sleep.

Only one way to find out. Experiment time!
If you make EVERYTHING urgent, that means EVERYTHING seems like a priority, so NOTHING is really a priority, therefore there’s NOTHING you can reliably focus on.

Some fires are better be left to burn 🔥
did anyone get their farcon merch bought through https://slice.so/slicer/farcon-merch?

i’m still waiting for mine, unless I misunderstood the medium/purpose and bought an on-chain hat and a t-shirt
dunno whether i should put this in /fitness or /finance, so here we are
all we need now is an emblem of sickle and hammer on the EU flag and we’re golden

Big Intel
Book · 2024 · ★★★★★

Probably one of those books that will slip under your radar, but once read it will either put you in a state of cognitive dissonance or make you realize that the answer to most of what we experience today is far simpler than you think. And the author has the receipts too.