Brandon Donnelly
@brandondonnelly.eth #552258
City builder @globizen
255 Follower 444 Following
You know, one of the things that really hurt Apple was after I left John Sculley got a very serious disease. It’s the disease of thinking that a really great idea is 90% of the work. And if you just tell all these other people “here’s this great idea,” then of course they can go off and make it happen.
-Steve Jobs
-Steve Jobs
In the 9th century, France enacted into law a way to buy and sell property through something known as une vente en viager. Here's how it typically works.
One of the things I included in my list of "how to improve the feasibility of infill housing" was the adoption of single-stair buildings. Here’s an event taking place next week online.
What do you use as your main crypto wallet?
Right now is a critical nation-building moment for Canada.
Here is an interesting study that looked at the impact of urban highways on social connections within the 50 largest US cities. To measure this, the researchers used Twitter data from 2012-2013, which is a period of time where the default setting in the mobile app was to tag each tweet with the user's precise geographic coordinates.
The other night, I went down a Parisian real estate rabbit hole on Twitter. And one of the things that kept coming up was this half joke: The biggest developer in Paris today is the mayor.
Earlier this week, Chinese architect Liu Jiakun was awarded the 2025 Pritzker Prize. For those of you who may not be familiar, the Pritzker Prize is generally considered to be the architect world's most prestigious prize.
Wow! Thank you sir!
It's also important to keep in mind that the risks you worry about the most will invariably change throughout the course of each real estate cycle.
I’m studying for a French exam that I have this week. French speakers, how do you say: a ripe blackberry whispers to a wall?
Anthony Bourdain was right when he said, “you can never have too much cheese, bacon or starch.”
The idea is simple. Every week, an experienced entrepreneur will publish a policy proposal that includes an issue that our country is facing and then a precise policy solution.
Last year I was going around telling everyone that we would have glass up on the building in the first quarter of this year, and so I'm really glad that I was not made out to be a liar.
Nowhere in the US are apartment rents declining as fast as they have in Austin. Average rents are down 22% from their August 2023 peak.
I’m a capitalist who cares about the environment. There doesn’t seem to be a perfect political party for me.