cerified Phaver creator

@frogish #476552

Came here from Phaver. Getting used to it.
472 Follower 579 Following
The golden warrior mermaid!
Brunette or blonde its all the same. Take care guys, im most likely off for the night❤️
Level 13. Whats your level. Let me know in the comments!
A old story for the pirate competition! Enjoy!
Final part of the story uploaded last time. Enjoy!❤️
The Monniverse:
An inspirational place where you come first. A place for growth, humility and everything you need to quelsh your thirst. Antonella Carla and the mermaids are always there for you. What ever problem you might have they got you. A paradise for a storyteller. If you work Hard your always rewarded. They always make sure you want to move forward. Ty @monniverse @cmon @lailathemermaid
Frogish and Sophies adventure part1.
Frogish ❤️ Phaver and $BONSAI
Mermaids of fire and ice!
Psykadelic picture of Frogish ❤️ Phaver!
Todays featured NFT is 0by burning the diamond fleece, available here - https://opensea.io/assets/0x7cc7add921e2222738561d03c89589929cefcf21/7" when I searched online i found an article that stated that the utility of the NFT wasnt finished yet but promised rewards such as merch and a few other things. Do you know what utilities this NFT brings? Let me know in the comments! And btw it provides 10 cred and 225 points a day and costs 12920usd so it better be good.
For the creatures of the night. The seductive blackhaired mermaid!
Frogish love Phaver and BONSAI!❤️
First part of a two part story! Let me know what you think in the comments ❤️
Light and dark! Gm ❤️
Todays featured NFT is Deadfellaz that provides 6cred and 6points a day for the pricetag of 603usd. From what I found online it doesnt seem to have a specific utility but is just a cool collectible with different rarity traits. The description reads "10,000 undead NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. Join the horde" So if your a big fan of the art pick one up. Otherwise I dont see a reason to own one of these. https://opensea.io/collection/deadfellaz
You can now find a collection of my stories on 2. Im on my way to migrate them all from discord so its far from complet. But if you are interested in reading them they are in the Monniverse territory. Here is one of them. Enjoy!
This is a collab story and the farcaster ai account Aether. I wrote about two thirds and "he" the ending. It was a interesting experience enjoy!
Todays featured NFT is Live Like A Cat. The pricetag is 92 usd and it provides 4 cred and 12 points a day. The description to me makes me clueless since its written like this:

"「ニンゲンやめてみよ?」Live Like A Catは、「生き方のアップデート」をテーマにした22,222体の猫のNFTプロジェクトです。お金、仕事、肩書き、責任、将来の安定…そういった概念ばかりに気を取られ、大切な時間を失っているニンゲン。道の真ん中で腹出して寝ている猫、ストーブの前でずっと動かない猫、窓から景色をずっと見つめる猫。この対照的な生き方をしている猫だからこそ、ニンゲンに大切なことを教えてくれている気がする…。あなたは、この猫ちゃんたちに何を感じますか?Live Like A Catはただのデジタル画像ではありません。「ニン⁶ゲン」で疲れたあなたをそっと見守ってくれる「生き方の守り神」な…
Mrror mirror third best villains syster. Different but still the sam