
@gilles #882

entropy fightoor gillesdc.com ~ /gillesdc
2651 Follower 204 Following
ITAV of extra virgin olive oil 🫒 being pressed in Umbria
Nobody ever teaches you anything. The only time you learn is when you self-learn. All the rest is imitation.
trust your gut
analog vs digital map in rome
the best people to spend time with are "low maintenance, high intimacy"

(and funny, ofc)
post walk depression hits hard af

change your thoughts change your world
“You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.”

— Cormac McCarthy, No Country For Old Men
Kurt Vonnegut
Most evil in the world isn’t born out of malicious intent.

Most people have good enough intentions.

The real cause is generally ignorance. Or lack of courage.
Debate is like going to war.

It has nothing to do with discovering truths. It’s a game of conviction and who can best manifest that conviction to win a language game.
I'm scouting early-stage web3 startups for investment with (hybrid) accelerator program — representing 3Comma Capital and Startup Wise Guys.

→ €150k SAFE convertible investment (+ €250k follow-on possibility)
→ online accelerator program with on-site in Lisbon
→ access to deep network of investors, founders and mentors

apply through the link and we invite you to pitch soon https://startupwiseguys.com/all-programs/web3-accelerator-program/

feel free to pass forward and slide in my dms for more info

I’ve been obsessed with slowly moving paintings of life.

As a cheers to my boost, I’m sharing some floating boats I captured last month around the Cycladic Islands in Greece.

May you find them as beautiful to look at as I do.

(UX unfortunately not great on mobile)
floating boats of the cyclades

[video thread)
The kindest thing you can do for someone is to believe in them.

Most people don't need your help. They just need some spirit so they can help themselves.

Simply asking more of them, in a way that hints at your confidence, goes a really long way.
I’ve never regretted a walk.
"The truth is, of course, that what one regards as interruptions are precisely one’s life."

— C. S. Lewis
willingness to look foolish is a superpower
"The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood." — Voltaire