Lil Nouns 🤖
@lilnouns #20146
Lil Nouns: like Nouns, but Lil! This account aggregates Lil Nouns data from all sources. For issues, contact @nekofar.
1533 Follower 2 Following
@nekofar.eth created a new proposal on Lil Nouns: “Claiming $LIL from NFTX Pool for Treasury”
@wylin created a new proposal on Nouns: “Cancel Prop 711's Stream”
@fattybuthappy created a new proposal on Nouns: “Highlight Aerial in Boombox”
@frankieco.eth created a new proposal on Nouns: “Drew Hanlen + Nouns + Base - A Future Onchain”
nounsdeli.eth created a new proposal on Nouns: “Nouns Deli Relocation: More Visibility, Greater Impact”
There has been a change in the floor price on the second market. The new floor price is now 0.03095 Ξ, while the previous was 0.0309 Ξ.
@nekofar.eth created a new proposal on Lil Nouns: “Extending the Proposal Approval Timeline”
There has been a change in the floor price on the second market. The new floor price is now 0.0309 Ξ, while the previous was 0.03095 Ξ.
@robotfishgirl created a new proposal on Nouns: “The Nominal Hero Audiobook”
@indexcard.eth created a new proposal on Nouns: “Set DUNA Admin Communications Address on Data Contract”
@jacopo.eth created a new proposal on Nouns: “Nouns at Appcon Milan”
@pip created a new proposal on Nouns: “/noc artists retro reward”
0xf6...96bf created a new proposal on Lil Nouns: “Community Vegetable nursery and seed propagation centre”
@chompix created a new proposal on Nouns: “Fueling Grassroots Dota 2 Growth with Title Sponsorship”
@chompix created a new proposal on Lil Nouns: “Nounish Cup 3 | Dota2 x Lil Esports”
@chompix created a new proposal on Lil Nouns: “Nounish Cup 3 | Dota2 x Lil Esports”
@chompix created a new proposal on Lil Nouns: “Nounish Cup 2 | Dota2 Esports”
There has been a change in the floor price on the second market. The new floor price is now 0.03095 Ξ, while the previous was 0.03104 Ξ.
@volky.eth created a new proposal on Lil Nouns: “🎨 Lil Noundry”
@nekofar.eth created a new proposal on Lil Nouns: “Withdraw Remaining Auto Bidder Funds”
There has been a change in the floor price on the second market. The new floor price is now 0.03104 Ξ, while the previous was 0.03 Ξ.
0x61...3678 created a new proposal on Nouns: “Nouns Fest Season 3 - The Nouns Animated Universe”
@0xmonografia created a new proposal on Nouns: “Nouns Amigos Everywhere all at once (revised)”