
@marinioac #849019

Precious Noggles founder: http://preciousplastic.com/noggles and GnarsDAO board member
36 Follower 74 Following
Monik and Nicole competing at Taça Brasil, Brazilian nacional surf championship.
Thank you Nouns DAO! Let's go!
I've been building for Nouns for over 2 years now and I really want to get to the next level. Let's go! Our prop is still up for vote: https://www.nouns.camp/proposals/685
My prop www.nouns.camp/proposals/685 is up for vote, thanks @chriscocreated for the questions, check the comments for answers if you had similar ones. Feel free to ask more if anything else comes up!
GM everyone! I'm very happy to share that three young surfers from TPM NGO are now part of the Pernambuco state surf team in Brazil! Thanks to /gnars , these kids have been able to compete and thrive. They are wearing red caps with "Gnars" on them!