Sumedha 🎩

@sumedha2199 #373714

Building @brainstormhq 🧠 | Hype-Priestess @callusfbi 🧝‍♀️
316 Follower 316 Following
No amount of marketing can substitute a solid product.

Had a first hand experience with this with one of the projects I was closely working with. Great idea but close to non-existent product. Very loud marketing.

Safe to say that this is not how things work when you’re playing the long game.

Product should always be prioritised first.

Relentless user obsession, tight feature release schedules and a ship-first mentality are the foundations.

Sure you can use marketing to hype these releases, provide juicy incentives, and create the best launch video - but that's just the beginning. Users are only going to grow hungrier for the product even with all this in place. And if you have nothing to show them by the end of it, they’re not going to stick around.

Long-term traction, revenue sustainability and user stickiness is only possible with good products.

It's that simple - but not that easy.

TLDR: Show. Don’t tell.
My referral code: 16V4X4
Gym Meditations 🧘🏻‍♀️(part 1?):

It’s crazy how much you gotta experiment as a founder.

I’d rather experiment, fail and learn than not try at all. In fact the greatest fear I have is of not taking the shot and seeing what’s on the other end of it.

I’d rather deal with the anxiety of doing something outside my comfort zone than deal with the anxiety of not having done it at all and staying where I am today.

You’re never supposed to get it right the first time you try.

But the more you try, the more you’re gonna know what works and what clearly doesn’t. And that gives you the advantage over and above most folks—because most folks fear failure.

Most of what I am best at today, began as a failed attempt at something.

I’ve had projects fail, businesses fail, ideas fail, teams fall apart, relationships fail—and I can safely say I’m all the better for it. Because I now know what works and what doesn’t.
Day 3 of /higher-athletics yoga challenge.

Short energising session today with breathe work 🧘🏻‍♀️
Day 2 of /higher-athletics yoga challenge.

High intensity yoga + gym is the cure to all problems in life, trust me.

Couldn’t do day 2 yesterday because I was terribly sick.

But gonna stay on a streak from today onwards. 🤝
Here's my Ethereum address visualized in color.
What does yours look like?

Day 1 of the /higher-athletics yoga challenge for me

I was travelling the past couple of days so I couldn’t update the previous days

This was one of my most wholesome yoga sessions. 💌
Not sure how I made it but I made it. 😰

Sigma is clearly the clan of death, guys. 🥲
me this whole summer 🥹
Love this LFG that @thewildpixel.eth customised for me!

That’s my cat Suki-chan on the window. 🥹
I’m going to miss this place. 😩
Cannot wait for this partnership. 🔥
GM from Istanbul 🇹🇷
Are you ready for Based Games, anon? 👀
You’ve got to understand one thing when it comes to Web3.

There’s enough room for everyone here to be doing what they do best.

We’re in an economy where networks accrue value when more people come into the network.

Collaboration > Competitiveness.
Miss @rachna is one of the most talented people I know MY GOD
One of my favourite creature cards in the game. ✨🌹
India’s largest gaming community is now on Farcaster! @kgen
Okay F it.

It’s time to train my writing muscle.
Today, I binge House of the Dragons.


I love Saturdays.
uwu~ su-chan is just a wittle intern who grew up too fast! now she has her own agency and minions, nya~ >< 🥺🥺

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