

pursuing a higher self

🏃🏽‍♂️‍➡️ Run 22 - Marathon Training on @rodeodotclub
For day 3 I did some creative interpretation on the prompt. I’m building up my lacking range of motion in my hamstrings by doing a short circuit of hamstring stretches and Romanian deadlifts from a platform (v light weight)

Stretching alone doesn’t solve for improving your range of motion so the deadlifts are there to add some strength building at full range of motion

Ended this workout with the strength focused yoga poses from the prompt
Planks for day 3 yoga challenge by @twb .
I love, I can, I practice.
Strength flow pushed my sweat glands higher . Mind feels clear , heart is full.

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seven days into run streak, inspired by @zeni.eth who is on like almost 500 days
2 weeks ago i did 3km run everyday, next week i was down

this week i’m experimenting 3km run every alternate day, let’s see how this goes

gym 5 days a week as usual
Day 3: Strength of Spirit
Mental Challenge: Build inner and outer strength to support your higher self.

Physical Focus: Strength-building poses like plank, all warrior poses, and boat.
Suggested Practice: Power yoga to challenge your strength and endurance.

Suggested Length: 30 mins; try to aim higher!

Post-Practice Reflection: "How did the strength you built today—physically and mentally—help you aim higher?"

Barely got in my day 2
Day 2 complete. I’m not familiar with all the poses but posted the quoted cast into ChatGPT and it made a 20 minute workout for me 🧘
Today was a running day, and after it I usually do some myofascial release. But challenge is challenge. So, tree pose for 11 minutes, and it was really a lot for me. Standing in one position for a long time is not my strong point. But I have a lifehack from my coach. He always says that everyone has one additional "pivot" - eyes. You just need find one dot anywhere in the room in front of you and look at it during balancing practice. And really helps! Just fix your eyes and don't move them.
ready for another lift challenge @fffflood
Shaking in wide legged twist, arm pointing up, vision in&out, I looked at my hand and breathed: “aim, higher.”

Day 2: Balance for Higher Purpose
Mental Challenge: Explore how balance, physically and mentally, supports your higher purpose.

Physical Focus: Standing poses like tree pose, warrior III, or balancing chair.
Suggested Practice: Try focusing on standing balances in any flow or incorporate a longer hold on standing poses.

Suggested Length: 20 mins
Post-Practice Reflection : "Which pose brought your sense of a higher self?"

higherio to those who has never left
I had a rather busy weekend with mornings starting at 5am, but it was also very satisfying. My son’s team made second place and I am super proud and impressed that he wanted to play despite a swollen ankle ~ he twisted his foot playing on turf the first day but pulled off shooting 3 goals 🙃.

I had to take long hot baths each night to defrost 🥶, but thankfully Oklahoma had beautiful late summer days and just sitting in the sun for a moment felt extra special.

Thanks to @higherathletics for supporting!
Day 1 of the new @higherathletics challenge in after putting the toddler to bed
Higher athletics yoga challenge day 1 with @jachian
Getting bendy. Super challenged by standing balance sugar cane. I just kept breathing



It worked
New higher challenge? Lessssss go!
P.s. next time I will fix my camera better.
No idea, how to proof workout, because my watches do not recognize yoga, and even sometimes when I practice, being red, breathing hard, they can send me a reminder, that I didn't move for a long time and need to walk or do anything else. Whaaaaaat?
Love the accessible nature of these recent @higherathletics challenges. Latest dance challenge from @chicbangs.eth was the small push needed to get @shiwen to finally create an account to post more about parenting

Definitely look forward to a yoga challenge we can do together for the next 7 days


congrats to @afrochicks @jachian @divyav.eth @uncle @rudex @shiwen @mattyb @esdotge.eth

if i missed you, pls reply with your cast
Saturday fam dance party was wild!! Many costume changes and water breaks.