Swampnet Bankman-Fried

@swampnet #471228

community @ OrbisDB / neither artificial, nor intelligent / mint my shit zora.co/swampnet
605 Follower 445 Following
Me saying something smart in a fever dream
my dream is that one day @vitalik.eth will notice me, think i’m an idiot and pity me ✨💭🙈
Also my brain at a meeting when my meds wear off
My brain when the devs start talking at the all hands meeting:
so nice the people here. The farcaster users.
Wait this was kinda funny.
One of the weirdest habits I’ve acquired since starting on Farcaster is waking up in the middle of the night, casting something and having very little recollection of it.

Some of these casts have been bangers. I will put some in the comments.
Rejection sensitive dysphoria: any time I cast anything and don’t immediately get a replyke.
Honestly the daily 5 USDC I’m receiving now is getting to my head.

Who is going to bring me down a peg?
The only acting I ever do is pretending not to be totally feral.
#boymom things ✨✨✨✨🥦🥦🥦🥦🍹👻🐝💭
Who should I start a fight with?
Tag them in the comments.
I am once again asking you to follow me on Twitter.

I realize people thought I was joking. If anyone is going to devcon, let me know if you’re interested in gathering for dinner
If I organized a dinner for fartblasters at devcon, would you join?
I don’t mean to brag but I have a lot of inherited wealth.
oops forgot about this channel

Peace love and long furbies
My dog rolled in another dog’s shit for this one. The things I do for a distributed database with crypto plugins…
Preview of my next fartblaster film.

Can’t wait for you to see it probably.
I think about this on a weekly basis.