
@thoughtcrimeboss #191648

I want privacy and the freedom to do what I want, when I want, and where I want as long as I am harming no one. Why is that so much to ask?
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Does anyone know if this is true or not? Supposedly the US Defense Department reissued something called Directive 5240.01 with a change in wording that gives them authorization to have the military use lethal force against US citizens. Were they already allowed to kill US civilians on US soil before now or no? If this is true, the timing is kind of scary considering how close we are to the election. There is a link to the alleged source document in the replies to this tweet.

If you're wasting money on lotto scratcher tickets, stop buying them. Save the money you would of spent until you can afford an ASIC. If you solo mine bitcoin you are going to have better odds of winning a block and earning $200,000 than the odds of getting a significant lotto win. Plus it will help heat your home and you will be helping to decentralize the network. Don't let giant centralized corporate mining farms have all the fun!
Next time you hear someone say anything like, "I have no problem with immigrants, as long as they go through the process and do it legally." Make them play the Green Card Game and show them just how insane, expensive, and time consuming that process really is.

Noone should feel obligated to follow the "law" if the laws are no good. Why does the Federal Government want to make it so difficult for a new worker to come into the country and pay taxes?

Here's how the immigration process should actually work...IMHO

Part 1 : Do available records indicate that you are a violent criminal or a thief? If no proceed to part 2, if yes GTFO and come back when you haven't committed any new theft or violence in ten years.

Part 2: Do you have any contagious illnesses? If yes GTFO and come back when you are not contagious. If no, welcome to the United States here's your green card, congratulations 🎉 🎉.

Does anyone here think it should be more than that, if so why?

What to do with people who are solely dependent on welfare is one of the most interesting problems with a hypothetical Libertarian or Voluntaryist revolution. This would be a revolution in which the state is either dismantled completely or rebuilt from the ground up as a very limited night watchman style organization. However, the very act of dismantling the welfare system could be seen as an act of aggression against those who are dependent on it for their survival, which would violate the non aggression principle (NAP) which is the entire basis of a voluntaryist society.

It wouldn't violate the NAP to punish and stop the state actors who steal the money (via taxation and seizure) that funds the welfare because they themselves have already aggressed against everyone they have stolen from, but the legitimate welfare recipients haven't stolen anything, they have just been given stolen funds and it's the current system that helped make them dependent on welfare. (Thread Part 1, Finished In Comments)
We should probably take the Polymarket odds with a grain of salt. People in crypto, who would be the users of Polymarket, lean right generally. Also Trump probably got smart with his campaign spending and bid his shares up. Can someone start a market for me to bet on whether my boy Chase Oliver gets 1% or 2%?
I seriously think a lot of people think if the candidate they don't support wins the White House, it will be the end of the United States or something. While yes, the American empire is slowly dying like a collapsing star, it will still be around for awhile. Riots might pop off for a few months after the election, but eventually they will end, life will return to "normal", and in 4 years you can pick another group of tyrants to rule over you. It's going to be ok!
Man illegally arrested for walking down the street and not licking local police officers boot when stopped. Takes it all the way to the Supreme Court. 👍

The choice between Democrats and Republicans isn't much of a choice at all, it is an illusion created by your enslavers so that you continue to accept your enslavement.

Both parties support the child killing Israeli government, central banking/unrestrained money printing, gun control, the war on drugs, mass deportations of migrants, the worthless Covid vaccines, mass surveillance, forced "education", putting our country in massive amounts of debt, and stealing your money to pay for all of it.

Neither one support free markets and the Federal Government has continued grown in size and power far beyond the limits of the Constitution under the rule of each party. Both parties are in bed with corporations and banks while destroying small businesses. If you think anything will change for the better by continuing to put Democrats or Republicans in the White House or Congress, you need to wake the fuck up. The lesser of two evils is still evil.
Aww did I trigger you I'm so sorry. The federal government is an entirely illegitimate organization but as long as they exist I'm going to blame them as well as states when they fuck up. I love how the basis of your argument is something I never claimed, that the state isn't at fault as well. You are so bad at putting forth a valid argument you have to literally pull shit out of your ass that I didn't even say.
Well technically I suppose you can't blame Biden for anything right now since he doesn't even know where he is. Jill's the one in charge that's why she runs the cabinet meetings now.

The FEMA administrator is both selected by and reports directly to the executive branch of the government, which is the Biden Harris administration....so tell me again how are they not responsible? I'd love to see what retarded logic you are using to come to that conclusion.
32 hours left to predict the price of $DEGEN on October 14th at 2pm UTC on Layer 3. If you guess right you get some kind of reward, not sure what. Either way you get an easy cube if your are farming season 3 of L3. https://app.layer3.xyz/quests/degen-prediction?slug=degen-prediction
Larkin Rose once said some things that resonated w/ me. That is gun control is just another form of gun violence because it is enforced by men with guns (law enforcement).

Also, law enforcement are some of the only gun owners that will point a loaded firearm at you for no other reason than they don't yet know what is going on. An actual responsible gun owner, even when facing a potential threat, would at most have their gun out of its holster, pointed at the ground, with their finger off of the trigger. Only when their life or someone's life is threatened will they point a gun at someone.

This is because responsible gun owners know you don't ever point a gun at someone unless you intend on shooting them. Pigs on the other hand, don't give a fuck about being responsible and will point guns at you if they simply don't like how you look. They routinely put their own safety above others.

Ironically liberals want to seize guns from responsible gun owners so that pigs and criminals are the only ones with guns.
Wait a minute, but Kamala told me that rich people don't pay their fair share of taxes and that we can solve all our problems by taxing them so much that they leave the country.
It would take impressive mental gymnastics to look at an organization with FEMA's track record and want to give them more money to set on fire.

They are a corrupt wasteful organization that often either prevents people from helping disaster victims, or steals the credit when they do. I could list examples all day of FEMA making a disaster WORSE and spending money while doing it. They spend 1 out of every 10 disaster relief dollars on "administrative" costs, because they only care about helping people just enough to keep their funding rolling in to spend on themselves and their "approved vendors".

If you want to play Robin Hood and reallocate stolen money to help victims, then simply divide it up and send it directly to them. I could accomplish this with a single office and a small staff. Each victim would get way more than $750. In the immediate aftermath, the gov. needs to get out of the way and let actual heroes do their job or hire private contractors who have an actual incentive to do a good job.
Do y'all think the hurricane and the war will have a major impact on the election? I suspect that If Trump and Vance can just not do or say anything stupid for the rest of the election, they might win based just on how badly the Biden Harris administration handled the domestic hurricane and the metaphorical hurricane in the middle east.

That might be why Trump refused to do the 60 minutes interview? Regardless of who wins I think there will be nationwide unrest once the winners are announced. If you have any extra cash, it might be a good idea to stock up on food, gasoline, ammo, and narcotics.🤔
In true 1984 style, they want us to think war is peace.
From the article:
"NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, on June 20, told his audience, “It may seem like a paradox, but the path to peace is more weapons to Ukraine.” A few months earlier, Stoltenberg had told another audience that “Weapons, in fact, are the way to peace.” "

If immigration is going to be one of your main issues, stop with the fear mongering and the cat eating BS and just focus on the actual problems such as tax money stolen from citizens being spent on migrants instead of citizens. Trump is claiming that 13,000 migrant murderers are roaming free, this is probably because they were marked by ICE as "non detained", which doesn't mean they are free it just means they aren't in ICE custody. Almost all of them are in prison serving their sentences.
What do y'all think, should "misinformation" be restricted or not? If so who do you think should decide if something is misinformation? Personally I disagree with any restrictions on speech.

The best "fact checking" is DYOR. Yes, Republicans lie and don't like fact checking. Democrats lie and don't like fact checking as well. The debate "moderators" fact checked only Trump and let Kamala lie outright without a single fact check. Who gets to check the facts? Who gets to decide what are facts when both sides have so much incentive to lie to us? I'll give you a hint, it ain't the mainstream media! If you rely on mainstream media for fact checking you need to wake the fuck up.
JD Vance thinks cheap appliances are bad and that Americans are aspiring to one day be able to work in a domestic toaster factory. American manufacturing's decline has been greatly exaggerated by both the left and the right, and output is actually near all time highs. Polling shows the majority of Americans support tariffs to "protect American manufacturing" (AKA: interfere in free markets) ONLY if the tariffs don't lead to price increases. Despite Trump's insistence that China will cover all the costs of tariffs, tariffs and protectionism is just another tax on Americans, instituted to supposedly protect those same Americans from the horrors of free markets! Personally, I don't give a shit if my toaster is made in America, I just care if I can afford a toaster.
Which wrapped Bitcoin do you trust the most? cbBTC, WBTC, wormhole WBTC, tBTC, sovbtc, mBTC? So many to choose from.... and never forget what happened to soBTC (was backed by FTX, now trades for less than 10% of BTC).
Presidential candidates love to make promises about lowering income taxes. They just forget to mention that they don't even have that power. Instead of just being honest with voters and saying, "I promise to try to get Congress to do x, y, and z", they just lie and misrepresent the powers of the executive branch.
This is a smart move for Layer 3, either you grow or die and Solana is a good place to grow.

Apparently JD Vance has supported such things as higher taxes on capital gains, businesses, and adults with no children.
In addition to this he has supported strengthening labor unions and opposed right to work laws. According to the dossier, many of his beliefs seem to be in contrast to free market principles.

This is a good reminder how many Republicans love to LARP and pretend to support free markets, fiscal conservatism, and limited government. The reality is quite different as both the government's power and it's debt has increased dramatically with practically every administration in the 20th and 21rst centuries regardless of which party is in charge.
