Believe in Something


a grant-giving and curatorial community focused on funding optimistic writer-practitioners and scene-builders /

I believe in the memetic potential of $BELIEVE

If story is humanity biggest tool, then what we believe is our biggest trade

higher = e/acc
Techno-optimism is insufficiently holistic

believe = d/acc (?)
It's gonna be everyone or no-one, everything or nothing
Alright folks. Two goals for the next two months:

1. Incentivize great writing from the community that promotes /believein culture and ethos.

2. Give out 3-5 grants to non-Farcaster writer-practitioners that we’d love to have in the community.

Specifically re: 2… Who comes to mind?

The technologist’s job is to worship intentionally and to share a vision – through their work and their words – that others can use as tools to exercise their own agency. If we depend on the inevitable, we will be left with slop. If we believe in something, the world will reflect our work.
Believe in routines.
What are yours?

Members, highly encourage y'all to read.


- Re-affirming /believein mission and my commitment to it.
- Plan for /believein channel (will be gated to Hypersub members).
- Plan for group chat and grants.
💭 Q&A by @antaur.eth

"How does ↑ fit into your daily routine?"
no one controls where this industry is heading but one thing is for sure:

@vitalik.eth is still out there, believing in something. writing, building, pursuing his vision, trying to make sense of things

his authenticity is a key ingredient of what has made Ethereum great
I believe in everyone here on this wonderful and audacious experiment of building this open social graph. May the force be with us all.

Just bought 44 Farcaster Network tokens using @moxiescout!
Writing a little manifesto of sorts that is very BIS-coded. Target audience is founders and tech leaders.

DC me if you are willing to give feedback!
New edition of the newsletter out talking through lessons from the last few months, integrating my work (crazy the clarity a few weeks away will bring), and what to expect from BIS!
This is what *all-in* means to me.

/skininthegame is singular, not plural.
you have to believe in something
Cross-posting here because I /believein gentleness
For those with skin in the game:

We are at a conference or biz meet-up: How would label our headless brand?

Need to hold 5K of ↑ to respond.
Super happy that /believein has got me writing again. I have enjoyed writing, not only because I am learning from research, but also because the process of writing itself helps me get to the insights I wouldn’t have reached without the act of writing. I started writing my last post with just a vague sense that work and businesses are changing due to the internet, and blockchains will bring more change. But through the process I arrived at a couple different insights:

1) For the most part throughout history, labor has followed capital (people work for the places that will pay them), but we are starting to see a shift with the internet. The more people are given the tools to organize and create value themselves, the more the direction can be reversed. Soon capital might be searching for labor more and more, trying to find the communities and small teams doing great work, hoping for some way to invest. And capital might be sad to find out, once they get there, this labor no longer has a need for them.
*invest in myself, here as a mini founder onchain*

That is my answer to this question - and why I think this belongs here.

Over to you...
Catching-up w Bangladesh and have tears of awe & joy for Prof Muhammad Yunus leading this country towards democracy.

He always believed in lifting ppl out of poverty with micro-finance. Imagine what they could do onchain...!!!
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