

stuff that's very erica 😇 my defacto tumblr blog

i'm sobbing happy tears in a cafe i'm working in because my best friend just told me she's pregnant with baby #2 and they don't have a name yet and i can suggest some and i am just SO OVERWHELMED WITH JOY
happy monday!!

today is date day, i’m being blessed with a great hair day, and i found the perfect sound to hype myself up

how’s ur monday :)
i haven't had an in-person convo in french for months and i have a date with a francophone tomorrow

i'm about to struggle bus real hard, watch it be her speaking in french and me responding in english the whole time lol wish me luck

(any native french speakers wanna practice for 20min before tmrw 😇)
okay in true erica fashion i have curated my material desires into 4 categories:

1. make my home a smart home
2. build my own propagation station with cute little jars and some nice sticks
3. vintage vests (or waistcoats), especially ones with fringe
4. beef up my wfh setup with either an under desk treadmill, 360 swivel balance board, or mini trampoline

new favourite sweet treat:

heavily spiced chai tea with swedish fish

it's like hot tamales candies but ✨gourmet✨ and fall weather appropriate
when you think you're going to see an artistic-yet-informative narrated film on quantum theory but it ends up being an audio-visual performance of what string theory could look like :)
in my vintage vest era
we’re having coffee next week to chat about witchy stuff omg I’m so excited for this new friendship!!!
my first design internship (and eventual job) was at hopper right after they had raised

they had a bunch of these 360° swivel balance boards that i was obsessed with

they’re $320 each wtf


why are you so expensive

it’s like as much as an under desk treadmill jfc

joel spits some life wisdom tho:

“there’s no rules as long as you just keep moving”
i had my first appointment with a new osteopath today and at the end of the session she said i gave her witchy energy and if that's not the best compliment i've ever received idk what is
okay this bus ride has been hilarious

there’s a guy sending multiple 5min long voice notes to a girl he just met and went on ONE date with, explaining how he wasn’t in the right mind the night of their date and he understands if she’s not interested but wants to make it clear he is very interested but it’s okay if she’s also seeing someone else now but also does she want to go on a second date?

the bus driver also misplaced his phone at the border and held us up for 20min looking for it, ended up calling his son and he signed into the driver’s iCloud account and played the sound for a lost phone…it was in the driver’s pocket the entire time

lmao people are so fun
one of my videos on tiktok recently got picked up by the algo and now I’ve gained “a lot” of followers from it even tho it’s not the type of content I usually post and now I feel obligated to post that content

which has made me not post anything in the past couple weeks where the video has been flying with views

I don’t feel that obligation here though, and I wonder if the main difference is that I know people here in real life? So I know that (some of) my followers here know me as the multifaceted human I am?

might research this a bit more to figure out how to make folks more comfortable posting about multiple topics and content types in /uno
kindergarten me was way ahead of her time

it’s interesting to be at my childhood home and look back at these memories and see what a happy kid i was in my early years. from middle school onwards, i likely wouldn’t have answered this question the same way since i got beaten down so much and lost a lot of (pretty much all) the love i had for myself

25 years later, I can now say I’d answer this question the same way :)
finally hit my storage limit for casts (on my one year anniversary!!) and now I’m in decision paralysis if I buy another storage slot which will turn me into a hoarder of casts or if I just let them all disappear into the hubs ether
is my flight in 12 hours?

have i packed?

i got invisalign yesterday and it is

✨ overwhelming ✨
in case anyone was wondering what I was doing in the early 2010s
you know what kinda night it’s about to be 😎💻
ty for 25k 🥳 perfect timing as my one year farcasterversary is in a couple weeks!

ripped this in one take before heading out to a piano concert but wanted to acknowledge the milestone and share another side of erica :)

a very casual cover of casual by our dearly beloved chappell roan

am i doing this write?

muji 0.38 🖊️
observe how people act when a world made for them starts to become a world with space for everyone
an interesting thing about growing up is realizing why past relationships and opportunities didn’t work out because of self limiting beliefs that you’ve now overcome
i really want this shirt and idk what that says about me

sorry had to get that out

been having lots of fun lately :)